1. Who founded the Romanov dynasty?
A. In 1813, Mikhail Romanov founded the Romanov dynasty.
2. Who first got the title of 'Jar'?
A. In 1548, King Ivan IV.
3. When did tsarism end in Russia?
A. Tsar Nicholas II in 1918.
4. What is the Decabrist Rebellion?
A. The frequent revolts of the oppressed landlords in Russia under the dictatorial Tsarist regime disturbed the Tsarist government. Russian nationalists formed several secret societies against the reactionary rule of Tsar Nicholas I, and on December 26, 1825, members of the secret societies staged a revolt. The uprising is known as the Decabrist Rebellion, which took place in December.
5. Write the names of two Russian poets and two novelists.
A. There are two poets - Pushkin and Lermontov and two novelists - Tolstoy and Turgenev.
6. When is the release law or declaration announced?
A. February 19, 181 AD.
7.Who is called the liberator tsar?
A. Tsar Alexander II is known as the Tsar of Liberation for the emancipation of the enslaved landlords from time immemorial.
8. What is ‘Third Section’?
A. Tsar was the first secret police force formed during the reign of Nicholas.
9.During the reign of which tsar did the Nihilist movement spread?
A. During the reign of Alexander II.
10. Whose novel uses the word ‘nihilist’ first?
A. In the novel "Fathers and Sons" by the Russian novelist Turgenev.
11.When did the Social Democratic Party split?
A. In 1903 AD.
12. What are the divisions of the Social Democratic Party?
A. Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.
13. Who is Count Witty?
A. Tsar was the minister of Nicholas II.
14. When was the Treaty of Portsmouth signed?
A. In 1905 AD.
15. What is the October Manifesto?
A. In October 1905, on the advice of Minister Count Witty, he issued a proclamation calling for reform. This manifesto is known as the 'October Manifesto'.
16. What is Duma?
A. The name of the Russian parliament is Duma.
17. Who is Trotsky?
A. Leader of the October Revolution.
18. When did the Bolshevik or November Revolution begin?
A. In 1917 AD.
19. Write the name of a leader of the Bolshevik movement.
A. Lenin.
20. When is the April thesis or thesis doctrine published?
A. April 17, 1918.
21. When is the Treaty of Brest Litovsk?
A. March 3, 1918.
22. What is a check?
A. A police force.
23. When and where was the ‘Third International or Comintern’ established?
A. In 1919 in Moscow at the initiative of Lenin.
24. Who is the founder of the world's first socialist state?
A. Lenin.
25. What is the pseudonym of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov?
A. Lenin.
26. What is ‘Iskra’?
A. A magazine edited by Stalin.
27.What is Stalin's real name?
A. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.
28. When was the Mikhail Agreement signed?
A. In 1936 AD.
29. When was the name of Russia ‘United Soviet Socialist Republic’?
A. In 1924 AD.
30. In what year did Lenin die?
A. In 1924 AD.
31. In what year did Stalin die?
A. In 1953.
32. Who passed the ‘Redemption Act’?
A. Tsar Alexander II in 161 AD.
33. Who is Kerensky?
A. President of the Menshevik Party.
34. ‘What is the Red Army?
A. An army made by Lenin.
35. What is Kulak?
A. The new landlord class created in Russia during the Russian Revolution.
36. Who was the Tsar during the Russian Revolution?
A. Tsar Nicholas II.
37. Who introduced the ‘new economic policy’ in Russia?
A. Lenin
your previous post was good...best of luck