Without Freedom Life Is So Boring

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2 years ago
Topics: Boring, Life, Freedom, Reality, Feelings, ...
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When travelling a different place we mostly prefer to move ourselves alone to shop and visit around. But when we visit relatives and elders our life has no freedom and we can't move freely. Life seems really very boring in such situations. Visiting with elders is not always enjoyable too because some people will prefer to interfere in your every single activities. Actually I shouldn’t blame all elders, because some elders knows how to treat younger people.

Some people try to be teacher everywhere and treat you like you are always wrong. This kind of people never let you move as you want. Observe your activities like CC TV camera. We young doesn’t misuse our freedom by doing wrong and waste all the time but they need to be a teacher and find errors in your every single word. This is boring and sometimes really very irritating. Sake of our gentleness we just keep shut mouth and prefer not to reply back because when you reply back these kind of elder will prove you a bad person or rude which will bring another disaster.

Luckily if you manage time to be free they will bring something irritating that will kill your freedom and also kill your creative mind. You can't practice something good for their interfere. Just imagine, how life will be when these kind of people permanently in your life? Life will be more than a hell. So I just don't want to imagine such nightmare. It may affect my mind and trying to be cool even in such situation. I think this is wise to endure.

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We may hurt by them but we can't hurt them because they are our elder. Elder and old people are mostly found sentimental and they got angry fast, get emotional fast, shout out loud when get hurt. Its hard to deal with their sentiment and if they says two plus two equal to five, you’ve to agree with it without any argument because they behave like they never can be wrong and make you feel like you never can be right. If you’ve never experience such situation and things I'm talking about, you are the luckiest.

Counting days to be out from this prison and never come back again to it. They mostly make you realize that they have done a lot for you and now its your turn to do something for them. This realization mostly kill our freedom too and life become more restless and boring. Never dare to change their mindset because they are always right and you are wrong. Let them live this lie, time may teach them lesson about right and wrong. I wanted to fly like a free bird and right now spending time inside the cage so my random thoughts are not positive as it should be.

Freedom makes people creative and let us think broad. When we lost freedom, mostly we find our mind narrow and negative. We need to come out from this as soon as possible or else we may lost our mind. Compromising freedom for lifetime may cause of our dead mind and without a mind we are just a body that never can bring happiness to others. If others wants us to see happy and creative, they should gives us freedom. Don't you agree with this?

Thanks For Reading!!!

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Avatar for Shohana
2 years ago
Topics: Boring, Life, Freedom, Reality, Feelings, ...


There are many relatives who stand in the way of our freedom. They seem to care more about us than family. This makes them feel annoyed. Freedom opens our minds, And helps us to create creative attitudes.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Visiting relatives have prepared scenario so husband has to say this thing or even children have to say these things it becomes like actors on a film as they couldn't say what they feel.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Well, I agree that freedom brings out joy in a persona nd being joygul gradually makes them open-minded and creative too. But, also about the opening statement in your article I want to say that i do not like to shop or visit places around alone. I even do not like shopping without my batchmates.

$ 0.02
2 years ago