Time To Hold Tight And Buy Crypto Coins

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3 months ago

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You already can see that crypto market is showing red candles and bitcoin price is at 66k. Binance asked me my prediction about bitcoin in 24 hours and I answered it will be $65k and current price is closer to it. My coin price down shockingly and my heart right now bleeding like crypto market is bleeding. This is temporary and high time to hold. Why this is always hard to wait for this moment for buying! I bought 24 hours ago and my asset price is down once again.

At the beginning of April maybe not green but it can be green at the middle of this month. It's hard to hold but we human can do anything if we want. So having self confident, patience is important to hold tight the crypto we bought at high price. Good time will definitely knock our door. Just take a break from market if you already bought crypto at high price like me.

If you can't wait for the right time to buy then hold it for the right time to sell, likewise if you can't sell crypto at high price pump then hold it to buy dip and holding is the key to success in this crypto industry.

After observing crypto market for more than a year I learn and realize that holding coins can help avoiding losses and getting desperate can cause unexpected losses as I experienced this many times.

Investors celebrating the red candle moment in crypto market and this is the best time for buying. Many trader and investors are regretting on their decision as little more wait and hold can help them buying more crypto asset and it could bring more profit after holding few days or week.

Including Solana and Bitcoin cash my all favourite coins are showing red candle and it is the best time for buying and holding. Experienced observers never get desperate on buying and selling and they prefer holding for the right time.

Thanks For Stopping By!!!

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3 months ago
