Thank You Read.Cash

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1 month ago

Something truly made my day and finally this happen! This definitely encouraging me and motivating me as an author. The day I decide to practicing finance based blogging and crypto based blog sharing, I made the best decision ever. My heartiest thanks to for paying attention on my blogs and paying for my research, observation, knowledge and thoughts on crypto and personal finance.

Actually I wanted to share this joy as a short post but there I had no chance to show off my 50000 plus views reached notification as screenshot. So I'm here to share the screenshot and I believe that, this will encourage authors here to practice writing like me. So never give up and keep sharing more.

At the beginning I was a random content writer but now I've niche and it is finance and economy but I'm more focused on crypto as I earn crypto too from this platform and other platforms too. I've personal curiosity and interest on cryptocurrency so I try to share my personal experience as crypto investor or trader.

Your time is precious to me so I'm not going to make this article elaborate. At the end I want to say that, I wish the number 50k views would be 50k dollars for me LOL. Jokes apart, I'm really happy with the reach and I thank my social media account followers helped me having the reach. I want to see this as millions and billions someday. Will keep sharing as I'm motivated!

Thanks For Being With Me Here And Everywhere!

Lead Image by Adina Voicu from Pixabay

$ 0.21
$ 0.21 from Anonymous user(s)
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Avatar for Shohana
1 month ago
