Someone Stole My Recent Crypto Blog
Screenshot edited using Canva pro See the plagiarism blog here
This was absolutely unbelievable to me! I usually don't read blogs but it was my good luck that I find my own blog copied by someone in the other platform and it was a plagiarism. The user on that platform just change the title a little bit and it was absolutely shocking to me that my writing can be stolen too.
This user definitely follow me in twitter and he copied my text and publish to some other platform where there I don't even share my own crypto blog because that site only accept exclusive contents. I asked admins of the community to take action against this user and mute this user from their community or else this copy paste will be continued.
As a protest I left a comment under the copied post. How I can protect my content from such thieves ? I'm the owner of my own content and who wants that some other people steal the work we share honestly? Today I find this when I was checking blogs on that site but I don't do this regularly and it is not possible for me to catch all these thieves who find easy ways to make money by stealing contents of others.
This feels so bad, I was angry when I found this and I checked the post top to bottom which was a copy of my immediate last post in this platform. I wish I could protect my posts from this kind of misuse. This is a kind of abuse of my writing and as an original author it is hard for me to accept.
Screenshot of my protest there
Texts with copyright can be protected. Each country has institutions for it. There are also websites that offer these services payable.
Regarding the person who did that, I just wanted to make money facilitating content. I copy everything. So I report it to a chat group that I have on Steemit Telegram.