Someday In Future - Latest Crypto Story

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1 week ago

Image by Julien Tromeur from Pixabay

This is not about future trading but the words of an optimist investor on crypto. This is almost two weeks when a crypto investor waiting for her next trading move but market doesn’t allow her for this. Last night she saw a buying order was closer to it but she missed it. The coin was Ethereum and the buying price could be a success but it was a cent away from the successful trading.

The waiting period is getting longer and she controlling herself to get desperate for her next crypto trading. If she already taught the lesson from her past experiences and if she can control her overs motions on crypto then she would avoid probable loss that can be predicted anyone in the market. Last unwise buy causing her waiting for around two weeks. Let's see what going to be her gaining.

After learning a lot from crypto market she decide to keep continue spot trading and someday this can bring success for her. Bitcoin price seems in a stable condition and personally I don't permit myself to buy and sell on this time. This is the point where from bitcoin will either pump or dump so wait for buying and selling is better than taking any decision right now. Actually, if I alert for buying and selling that doesn’t going to work for everyone but may work for me.

Waiting is golden and not painful now but before it was painful to me because I didn’t understand the worth of holding patience and waiting for something good. Still things disturb me and make me impatient but I had the worse experience of losing patience and experience asset lost. If I don't want to repeat it then I should have control over my emotions on crypto. This is natural to get frustrated and think negative when things go against our plans but we can find motivation when we keep calm and wait.

Someday in future we can achieve success that we didn’t imagine. We should be self motivated and trust on crypto. There are many crypto coins in the market for years and the trust they earned, they definitely not going to compromise it. My trustworthy crypto coins are already listed and you know what are they. Bitcoin will be always on the top of my favorite crypto coins. Waiting period is going on...!!

Thanks For Stopping By!!

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from Anonymous user(s)
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Avatar for Shohana
1 week ago


It depends because not all traders have some behaviors, some think that trading is a bank giving them funds when they have some urgent expenses while it is an investment where you could win or lose

$ 0.00
1 week ago