July 19, A Dark Day Without Any Internet Service And Network

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1 month ago

Image by P from Pixabay

Bangladesh was going through a critical situation where there students are killed for raising their voice against government when found injustice. The suffering now expand to common peace loving citizens as the whole networking system currently unavailable all over the country. We are feeling unsafe because this situation may ruin our beloved country.

More than 24 hours we are apart from our virtual world. This is the post I writing using notepad with the hope that when internet connection will be available I'll publish this and will share how it feels without internet especially when you have urgent to do your work as online worker. As a online worker I'm completely depend on internet and I've both Wi-Fi connection and mobile data connection and I've paid for it already as the system is prepaid.

Right now government bring this suffering from us and showing their power or I can say misusing their power this way. This definitely affect the economy of our country which seems not a concern of government and they trying to ruin the country as they get the power but how can they forget that we public gave them this power and it can be change if we public want. Our fight for our right shouldn’t be wasted.

Today I've important work to do online and I'm feeling so helpless that I can't even contact my team to share my critical situation without internet. Yesterday government turn off mobile internet service and last night they also cut the Wi-Fi internet connection. Feeling really very helpless as I don't have enough money to move abroad or prepare for moving somewhere I can find peace for living.

Not sure when internet connection will be back and when I'll be able to post this. I wish my financial loss for discontinuation of internet connection will be recovered and I'll be able to accumulate more asset that I can afford moving myself to somewhere I'll find safety, security and peace for living. Waiting for the time and may Almighty Allah save us from those enemies who spoils the peace and harm to others.

Thanks For Stopping By!

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1 month ago


It is (was) a cruel decision by the Bangladesh government. The voters must punish the ruling party in the next elections.

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1 month ago

Powerful people misuse their power and later use their master plan to escape from any trouble. We common people are victims!

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1 month ago