Job Circulars Are Now A Kind Of Money Making Scheme

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1 year ago
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Harsh truth, Real or fake job circulars both are good money making scheme and its a kind of game now that play with the emotions of job seekers. A great way to scam job seekers and these days many jobs even government jobs require paying fees to get a application form or opportunity to apply. Apply process is lengthy and require more money to spend.

At first job holders or a company publish a job circular and they ask for money as a small fee. For example, a job offering 100 seats and asking for $10 from each applicant and a thousand of applicants apply for a single post then imagine how much money the job holder or company making from the circular.

Crores can be earn from a circular and this become a kind of business or money making scheme now. Many fake job circular publishing randomly and their intention to scam innocent job seekers whoever believes them blindly and badly need a job to support family. Feel pity to such job seekers. Even a real job can earn big money from circular and hire a single individual and afford the salary of the applicant for a year from that circular.

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Paying money for a private job is folly because private legit jobs hardly found asking for any fee and they already hire employees to give them work load so if any private job asking for money that possibly scam or trap. Under developed countries has unemployment issues as a result job seekers often fall into the trap.

Even once I also fall into the trap and paid a small amount which was the beginning because after confirming job they asked for a deposit money and thankfully I understand their trap and forget about the small fee I paid for the fake job. It was a lesson of my life that I learned at that time because this was the time when I came to my capital city for having a job after completing post graduation. That fake job circular I found in social media and it offers good amount of salary to trap innocent job seekers easily.

Not only fake job circulars but also real job circulars, including government job circulars become a kind of money making scheme or business. Every year they post circular, for a single post applicants are thousands and institutions making millions and billions from a single circular. Job seekers are many but job opportunities are few and this is the advantage for job offering Institutes or companies.

The fee jobs ask for sometimes become the burden for an unemployed job seeker. Paying for a job application is not end, a job applicant need to go to the interview spot or examination spot and they also have traveling cost and jobs doesn’t pay for it but they ask for application fees and different kind of fees which is totally unfair. The application process should be free for applicants and applicant already going to pay when going to attend the job interview or examinations. It shouldn’t be a money making scheme or business, specially when job seekers are already needy of money and job. What do you think about it?

Thanks For Reading!

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1 year ago
