Crypto Holding Time Extended

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1 month ago

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Buy crypto because this kind of down is not usual thing. You would be the lucky one, when crypto market will be green and your coins will surprise you. Unfortunately I bought a little and regretting for this down right now. I've no more money to buy crypto so my waiting time for crypto pump extended and how long I've to wait, I don't even know! Taking another break from trading but the red market looks like bleeding and it cause the asset value reduction of many of us.

When we will be gainer, we will definitely realize that, holding crypto really worth it. Last year loss in scam not yet recovered and the amount is still more than $1.5k and may take one more year to recover. I'm holding patience and a wrong step can cause huge loss. Sounds the current dump is another shocking dump that we had experience few weeks ago. Bitcoin price was below $60k which was unexpected to many crypto marketers.

Things now doesn’t surprise or shock me more as I've experience of this ups and downs more than a year now. At the beginning I was emotional crypto trader but with the time I'm learning holding patience and crypto coins though that now yet show me success but I'm not hopeless and I've no plan for give up. I'll keep observing crypto market and will learn more to be a gainer someday.

This is hard to accept oneself loser but life is the combination of good and bad time. Crypto market down is a bad time for we crypto holders and this bad time can turn to good time anytime like after the dark night we welcome a new day with sunshine. This is a post that I would love to dedicate to all crypto holders including my own, because we need to have motivations and when I recall my past good experience with crypto market, I find motivation and positive vibes.

Holding time of my crypto coins may extended for unspecific time and I can invest my time on earning crypto instead regretting on buying crypto at high price. Crypto market may not get green suddenly but it will get green definitely. So enjoy your break from trading if you have no money to buy crypto like me. I've nothing to buy crypto so my crypto holding time extended. Nothing to lose if we are ready to hold and invest time. You would be lucky if you can afford buying crypto right now. I couldn’t wait for this dump as always.

Thanks For Stopping By!!

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1 month ago
