Buy Crypto And Go To Sleep

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Avatar for Shohana
2 months ago

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

This is something that my inner voice saying to me. The reason behind I never made big from crypto because I set limit for buy and sell and can't wait for the big pump. Right now you all can see that market is red and best buy opportunity is open for us. This is the best if you can buy now and go to sleep mood until crypto surprise you with the big pump. Honestly I don't follow this and do random trading to satisfy myself, but when I calculate everything, my surprises turn into shock because at the end I find myself loser.

As a crypto observer I believe buying and go to sleep for the right time is wise decision because the more we will try to trade in this down season, the more we have possibilities to lose the capital amount we invested. Don't get me wrong because my intention is not discouraging you to take part on trading and taking high risk when I take high risk even when market is down. This is not the time to hold stable coin, the reason you know very well. Altcoins are offering us buying it and hold it for the next big pump.

Sometimes I aim to buy crypto and go to sleep but honestly I'm addicted to crypto trading even when I'm not making any profit. This is almost a year of my crypto loss in scam and I'm still struggling to recover that loss I had in scam. It still scare me that I lost my two years income in just few seconds and scammers made me fool so easily. It was a lesson but I paid my earning of two years for the lesson.

To overcome crypto trading addiction I need to go to sleep mood but having update on crypto is also important to me to make a blog on it. We all need to be updated with the market move but the all I need to control myself from taking high risk that can cause asset lose or money lose. This is hard to control but sake of saving money for long time trading I need to hold crypto until it hit the price value I targeted. The suggestion of buying crypto and sleeping is perfect for me though there was many sleepless night I had for crypto trading. Your money, your choice, I'm here just to share my personal experiences and thoughts on cryptocurrency.

Thanks For Stopping By!!

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2 months ago
