Bitcoin Pizza Day Sounds Interesting

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3 weeks ago

Images From Unsplash

Just learn about bitcoin pizza. Before today I had no idea of this celebration, today is bitcoin pizza day and this day has an interesting story. When I search about it I learned that interesting fact about bitcoin pizza day. One of my friend shared a video on bitcoin pizza day and it made me curious to know more about it.

This is not my first time when I heard about bitcoin pizza day but I didn't search about the history of bitcoin pizza day but today I couldn't stop myself searching on this history and finally I find something interesting to write. Here I'm sharing briefly the interesting incident with source link that happened on this day on 2010.

>On May 22, 2010, a programmer named Laszlo Hanyecz made history by spending 10,000 Bitcoins to have two (large) Papa John's pizzas delivered to his door. This momentous transaction has since become a legendary tale in the crypto community, commemorated annually as Bitcoin Pizza Day. Source

The use of cryptocurrency like this should be mark as something special. Now I know what is bitcoin pizza day. If a bitcoin holder offer me bitcoin for two pizza then I would love learning preparing pizza even when I don't like cooking. This day can be celebrated by ordering pizza by paying bitcoin or other coin that we can afford to pay. This is really something big in the history of bitcoin and this day worth celebrating as sir Laszlo Hanyecz made the history.

Today bitcoin price is closer to $70k and what if someone will offer you a bitcoin for two pizza? A person can buy around 3500 pizzas by paying a bitcoin now, if you buy a pizza for 20 US dollars then you can afford buying 3500 pizzas but sir Laszlo Hanyecz paid $10,000 USD for two large size of pizza and made the history for we bitcoin lovers. This record or history can be broken by any rich bitcoiner who may wants to make another history but bitcoin pizza day will always remember sir Laszlo Hanyecz for his crazy deal of paying bitcoin for buying two pizzas.

This encourage us to use cryptocurrency for buying necessary goods as we pay cash for buying things. Undoubtedly crypto can be the best virtual cash for us and it can contribute on our finance and economy of the world and already contributing too. Many countries still doesn't accept cryptocurrency because they doesn't have idea about the power of cryptocurrency and bitcoin should be accepted all around the world to bring more progress in world economy. That day is not far away when people will prefer bitcoin for each transactions and this will make our lifestyle smarter and easiest.

Happy Bitcoin Pizza Day to you all crypto lovers!

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3 weeks ago
