Be Hopeful And Try One More Time
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Its takes time to heal a wound but time is the remedy of almost everything. An accident can harm us for a specific time but we don't stop breathing for losing something from our life. Losing something hurts but how long we keep wasting more time of life being scared and sad? The sooner we move on, the sooner we save some good time in our life.
This is easy saying but difficult for many to move on so fast. If someone mixed poison in our food and we luckily rescued from the poison but do we stop eating because once my food was poisonous? Sake of living we eat again food without any fear. Life experiences are something like that, we experience bad accidents and it hit us very bad, it takes time to forget everything and the loss especially!
Recently I've lost a big amount of money that could help me buying two expensive smartphones. I always try to be frugal and sometimes doesn’t buy things that I may want to have but after losing the money I realized my frugal nature can't save my money even I remain a needy as my phone has hardware issues and it need to be replace with new one but I can't buy it because I've lost the money of two phones recently because a hacker hacked my hive account with 400 plus dollars (1200+ hive).
It hurt me because I didn’t made the money over a night. I wrote blogs, comments on posts and got the cryptos. But it was my bad luck that I lost it and a thief stolen it all. But I can't stop writing content and I will be more careful than before. I'm still puzzled that how my keys of hive wallet can be hacked, how it could be leak. It scare me more about my other crypto wallets. But trying one more time with the hope will be wise. So I may not work in hive but I'll be more protective about my passwords of wallets I'm having right now!
These days my hair fall making me scared and I can't imagine a bald head for me. So before losing all hair I'm trying some remedies with the hope. This morning I bought few vitamin E capsules to mix it with the coconut oil I use and I'll use it effectively tonight before sleeping. If my internal issues causes the excessive hair fall then I may have to contact a doctor or dermatologist. Before that I must try external treatment like using vitamin E capsules with hair oil and will massage it on my scalp.
Hope this going to be helpful for me. I'm hopeful and I would love to try one more time. Accepting failure without trying is not wise and I've done a lots of unwise acts in my life already! No more now! I'm now self motivating myself by saying, "Be hopeful and try one more time!!"
Thanks For Stopping By!!
I asked in a telegram group on Hive Blog, and they ask me what your username is, to see how they can help you.
They also tell me that if you have a recovery account associated with your account you can recover something from HP.
In the same way they sent you these recommendations: -Do not save your passwords online (email, google drive, not anything like that). -In case you manage a good amount of money in your account, use a ledger. They are somewhat expensive, but if you handle large amounts they will make your account safe.
This is the Telegram group I refer to:
And these are some recommended articles with information: