Balancing Is Not Only For Financial Stability

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1 year ago

Photo credit: Unsplash Images

Just finished my morning coffee and I was thinking what to write today that belongs to finance and life. When I was thinking and scrolling social media, my phone seems losing It's charge and I turn on power saver to write this one. Actually here is a lesson, can you get the lesson? Let me help you to get the clear concept.

See, I was thinking about what to write and scroll more and more social media which was unnecessary. This way I lost some good time and phone's charge when I could think about what to write and write before the phone run out of charge, I wasted the time and phone's charge both. This is not the balancing and today's writing topic is balancing both financial stability and life. Let's get start..!!

We all know that time is money and whoever knows the value of time and can finish tasks on time can be successful in life most of the time. Wasting time means wasting money too. Financial stability is a need to lead a good life and we need to balance the both. We shouldn’t dedicate our whole life to make money and also we shouldn’t spend whole life to have fun.

Making money and have fun could be planned in a balancing mood. For example you can work 10-11 months in a year and take a 1-2 months leave or vacation for travelling or enjoying life the way you want. This is call balancing. You can work 12 months long but make sure you are enjoying weekends as you want to enjoy it or live it. You can set time for both personal and professional life for balancing.

Balancing on investment is also required like you can't invest all the money you have in your wallet because saving for tomorrow is also important and part of balancing. Investing all money in not wise, keep at least 30-50 percent money that you can prepare for next time. It same about crypto trading or investment. You can invest as much you can afford to hold for long time or afford to lose.

Don't get me wrong, we should invest as much we can afford to lose because it can takes time to earn profit and we often need money for emergency situations. We often deposit money to the bank for long time and we should invest as much we can afford to hold for long time or else making desired profit could be not possible. So balancing in cryptocurrency is also required. Balancing financial stability and living a better life is wise because what tomorrow will bring, we never know!

After experiencing scam and losing crypto asset that I earn working hard for a year, I understand that balancing is important or else our hard earned money could be eaten by scammers and we can face trouble. The time we spent making money and compromise living a better life could be wasted in just few clicks. So our living better life shouldn’t be compromised to make more money, who knows, your money could be eaten by thieves or scammers in the future.

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$ 0.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
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$ 0.02 from @Unity
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1 year ago


For not finding ideas to write something new on Read Cash it is a common problem for many writers especially if you need quality topics not just write something that is not general and doesn't fit the interest of people so it is not problem even to write one article per week but not stay longer than that. For the second concept the salary from a company will never stay longer than 10th or 15th of the month that is why people switch to freelancing options.

$ 0.02
1 year ago