Forgiveness: What does it mean to you?

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2 years ago

The topic above is a very interesting topic discussed on Sunday during the Bible study session. Before that day I already stumbled across a video on YouTube where it was being preached about. I almost did not go to church yesterday because I woke up too tired and in need of more sleep. But I decided to honor God’s words where He said that we shouldn't forsake the assembling of ourselves (Hebrew 10:25). 

So I picked myself up and went to prepare. I was late though but I was glad not to have missed the Bible study class. The sermon wasn't preached because this topic took the whole day as everybody found it hard to understand and see the possibility of forgiving as our Lord has asked us to.

So let's talk;
What does forgiveness mean to you?It means being at peace with offenses.
It means showing love.
It is mercy.
Forgiveness is part of the spiritual and physical processes.
It's a practical thing. It means to discard, let go, to not hold, wave away, wave aside, to delete.
Forgetting involves discarding the offense.

When you forgive, the most important thing is to forget. Most times, when we delete things from our phones, they go to the recycle bin. Meaning that we can still go back to our recycle bin and bring them back. And that's not what forgiveness is about. It entails wiping off completely like the offense never happened in the first place.

References were made from the Bible. The popular story in the Bible that we know of, is that of a servant who owed his master and was forgiven his debt after he pleaded for mercy. The same servant had a fellow servant who owed him yet he couldn't forgive, but he locked him up. (Matthew 18 vs 21 to 35)

Forgiveness is one aspect of Christian life and practice that everybody prays for and expects to get from others but finds it difficult to give to others. The servant pleaded to be forgiven of all his debt yet he couldn't give that same forgiveness he begged for to another who begged him. The wicked servant was reported and locked up by the king upon hearing the story. In verse 35 Christ reminded us that we would receive the same judgment from God if we do not forgive one another their trespasses.

There are two categories of people: People who claim to forgive and yet inside them, they're still hurting and if they see an opportunity to revenge they would and
People who say they've forgiven but don't forget.

The truth is all are still unforgiveness in the eyes of God. I belong to the second category. I tend to forgive but yet I keep referring to those offenses or I keep talking to some persons about them. And when I do, I still have this grief in me about the whole thing. But revenge has never been an option neither has it crossed my mind. This means I haven't forgotten those offenses but yet I claim to have forgiven.

In Christ's kingdom, forgiveness happens like the offense never happened. So if we say we're Christians, we are to behave like Christ.

During the study, most persons related some stories and asked questions. Some stories were family-related. Some said they won't forgive certain crimes because they are hard to do so. At the end of the study, the rev father made a prayer for everyone. He said he could see that most persons' hearts were heavy with certain offenses which were true and noticeable by their responses, so he asked that God gives us the grace to forgive. If we claim to forgive but haven't forgotten, then we're not practicing Christianity.

Unforgiveness is a sign of disbelief. Forgiveness is a sign of faith. Forgiveness as we all know is not easy. No one would deny the fact that it is a difficult thing to do which is why most persons find it hard to see the possibility of them forgiving certain offenses.

From the youtube video I watched, the preacher narrated a story. There was a certain young man who was training a little boy in his village. Suddenly a fight occurred between his community and the community the little boy was from. This man took the risk of taking this little boy home back to his community so he will be safe. He was able to lead the little boy home safely to his father's house and immediately he got there, he was killed by the little boy's father. Now imagine you are the wife of that young man will you forgive? It's going to be difficult right?

This is why the word of God must be stronger than what we feel. Always remember God's word in Romans 12: 17-21. It will help you daily in developing that spirit of true forgiveness.

If someone offends you and you don't forgive, what you're saying is that;
You don't trust God's judgment,
You don't trust Him to be fair and just,
You don't trust Him to keep His word.

 Forgiveness is the highest form of faith. We do not know how much peace and joy we deny ourselves by bearing in mind people's offenses to us. Sometimes forgiveness might be the solution for most of our problems. We may get healing, peace, joy, or breakthrough if we learn to let go.

When someone offends us, we need to tell them. Even when some persons are unrepentant still forgive them. Forgiveness doesn't make you senseless or stupid. 

We must learn to avoid creating room for conflict and try to be at peace with one another. An elderly man narrated how he gave up properties that were rightfully his to his elder brother who was trying to drag them with him. Today, the fact that they're still talking and living in peace was bcos he didn't give room for such conflict. It's not easy to do but most times choosing peace is always the best.

Yesterday I learned what true forgiveness meant and I prayed to God for grace. I laid everything at his feet, all the hurt I've been holding unto for while because of some who offended me in one way or the other. I told Him I'd let them all go. And since then I've had this inner peace and I hope you do the same too in case you are still hurting from the wrongs most people have done to you.

Thank you for reading.


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