Ginataang Gulay for long life

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3 years ago

Ginataang Gulay is a solid vegetable dish. It is made out of sitaw and kalabasa alongside shrimp and meager cuts of pork. Sitaw alludes to wind beans or yard-long beans, while Kalabasa relates to calabaza squash. It is additionally alluded to as West Indian pumpkin. The fixings are cooked in coconut milk and presented with warm white rice.

utrients in Ginataang Gulay

Vegetables are useful for the body. It has a huge amount of medical advantages. The medical advantage of kalabasa incorporates boosting the insusceptible framework. It likewise oversees diabetes, and is known to improve eye and bone wellbeing. Kalabasa is plentiful in niacin, nutrient A, folate, nutrient C, nutrient E, nutrient B6, and thiamine.

Sitaw is a low-calorie vegetable. It is plentiful in nutrients, for example, nutrient An and C, and folate. Minerals, for example, manganese, iron, copper, calcium, and magnesium can be found in this vegetable.

Pork and shrimp likewise gives supplements. Pork is wealthy in protein that helps assemble muscles. Shrimp is known for its selenium and nutrient B12 content. It additionally helps in weight reduction.

Ginataang gulay requires these fixings. You presently know the advantages that you will get when all the fixings are joined in your dish.

The most effective method to Cook Ginataang Gulay

I love ginataang gulay on the grounds that it is solid and scrumptious. Another explanation is its straightforwardness in planning. It is speedy and simple to cook. It takes under 40 minutes to cook it totally.

Start by cooking the pork cuts until it gets delicate. Bubbling is the cooking strategy that we will utilize. Bubble water in a pot, include the pork in bubbling water, and bubble until delicate. The cycle takes around 20 minutes. Ensure that the meat is cut as dainty as could reasonably be expected so it cooks and softens quicker. Separate the bubbled pork from the water. Both these fixings are required later. Note that the water would now be able to be considered as pork stock now.

The time has come to saute the garlic and onion. Do this by warming oil in a cooking pot. I ordinarily use canola oil. You may utilize vegetable oil or olive oil. Try to control the warmth when utilizing olive oil as it has low smoke point. Begin to saute onion, and afterward include garlic following 30 seconds. Proceed with the cycle until the onion mellow. Include the bubbled pork cuts. The uplifting news is we don't have to cook the pork longer since it is as of now pre-cooked. I for the most part cook it for 1 moment for it to ingest the flavors from the aromatics.

Set up the coconut milk. Consolidate pork stock and Knorr Ginataan Formula Blend. Basically pour the substance of the bundle into the pork stock and mix until the powder weakens totally. Empty the blend into the cooking pot and hang tight for a couple of moments until it bubbles. I like utilizing the formula blend since it is as of now tasty without anyone else. I don't have to add flavors to my ginataang gulay.

The last aspect of the cooking cycle is to include the vegetables and shrimp. Put the kalabasa first as it needs to cook longer. I normally cook it 3 minutes in front of the sitaw. This implies I include the sitaw 3 minutes in the wake of including the kalabasa. The shrimp are included alongside the sitaw. Spread the pot and cook for 5 to 7 minutes. You can stretch out the cooking time to several minutes more in the event that you like your veggies gentler.

Kindly let me know how you loved this formula. I additionally gave a cooking video beneath to control you further. Appreciate!

Attempt this Ginataang Gulay Formula. Tell me what you think.

This is a formula for ginataang gulay. It is a Filipino dish made out of calabaza squash, snake beans, pork, and shrimp cooked in coconut milk.

CourseVegetable Formula:

Prep Time5 minutes

Cook Time40 minutes

All out Time45 minutes

Servings4 individuals



1/2 lb. kalabasa cubed

15 pieces sitaw cut into 2 inch pieces

6 ounces pork tummy cut into little pieces

1 pack Knorr Ginataang Gulay blend 45 g

12 pieces shrimp

1 piece onion slashed

3 pieces garlic minced

2 cups water

2 tablespoons cooking oil

US Standard - Metric


Bubble water in a sauce skillet. Include pork. Spread and cook between low to medium warmth for 20 minutes.

Eliminate the pork from the sauce skillet. Put in a safe spot. Hold the water.

Warmth oil in a skillet. Saute onion and garlic until it onion mellow.

Include bubbled pork. Saute for 1 moment.

Join Knorr Ginataang Gulay Formula Blend in with the water used to bubble pork. Mix and afterward empty the blend into the pot. Let bubble.

Include kalabasa. Spread and cook for 3 minutes.

Include shrimp and sitaw. Spread and keep on cooking for 5 to 7 minutes.

Move to a serving plate. Serve. Appreciate!

Sustenance you gain eating ginataang gulay :)

Calories: 318kcal | Starches: 8g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 29g | Immersed Fat: 8g | Cholesterol: 38mg | Sodium: 46mg | Potassium: 326mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 2g | Nutrient A: 810IU | Nutrient C: 10mg | Calcium: 30mg | Iron: 0.7mg

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Written by
3 years ago


I am from Sikkim out here we are not into much of mashala rich cuisine, but the level of perfection u displayed with the cooking and the ingredients really tempted me to it try out, and it was a complete success all thanks to you for sharing such a tasty n sumptuous recipe ,god bless

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you ,your welcome :-)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ang sarap ng iyong recipe ginataang gulay healthy at maraming bitamina. yan ang aking paborito. subrang linamnam dahil sa gata mapapasarap ka talaga sa kain.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

wow ang sarap niyan masustansiya pa thats my favorite .

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3 years ago