I Am Because You Are.

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3 years ago

Who am I and who are you? We are what we say we are.

I am what I say I am and you are what you say you are. But I AM BECAUSE YOU ARE and why is that? For all beings have a reason of existence.

Life, being the principal of existence is a gift to any breathing soul. So being alive means that breathing soul has a purpose of leaving. "I", which is a singular entity, to enjoy whatever and to move to wherever does not mean it can strife throughout its existence without needing the next entity, which is "You". I give you a statement from the Holy Christian Book(The Bible), “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”NKJV(Gen2:18). But, I wouldn't want to be specific about the gender but I look up to the entity "You", which is the helper.

But a Question to ask,why come the helper(You)?

The helper came to existence because there was an "I", that is, if the first being was to express itself, it would have been "I am the first to exist".

Who is a Teacher without the students? The students made the Teacher complete. And as the students serve the purpose to become what they are, the Teacher also does his or her duty. Also, when there is no one to become a Teacher, there would be no students. So, as the Teacher takes the entity of "I" as being the Teacher,so does the students do with the entity "You". For example,as the Teacher would say in class "I am your teacher and YOU are my students". Importance of both entities now actualized.

I AM BECAUSE YOU ARE is a phrase stating a theory of life showing the need of all beings that do breathe, where one cannot do without the other. No being is useless, unless it accepts it to itself and this will then stir up the statement "I am what I say I am and you are what you say you are". There are also many that had changed, either good or bad as a result of orientation given to them by others. But know that good can be corrupted and bad can be corrected. It all lies at where they find themselves. An expression of influence, shooting out the great life theory, I AM BECAUSE YOU ARE.

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3 years ago



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3 years ago

Thanks Chiba

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3 years ago