Purpose of Reading Academic Text

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3 years ago

Casual reading across genres, from books and magazines to newspapers and blogs, is something students should be encouraged to do in their free time because it can be both educational and fun. In college, however, instructors generally expect students to read resources that have particular value in the context of a course. Why is academic reading beneficial? • Pleasure and enjoyment • Practical application • To obtain an overview • To locale specific information • To identify the central idea or theme.To develop a detailed and critical


• Information comes from reputable sources

• Learn how to form arguments

• Exposure to different viewpoints

Pleasure and Enjoyment

This is probably the best reason to read

anything. You have chosen the material for the

purpose of enjoying yourself. Reading entertains

you, even relaxes you. However, this will rarely be

the purpose behind the reading one needs to do for

academic purposes.

Practical Application

Here the purpose is to gain information that

you can apply or use in a practical situation. Books

such as laboratory manuals, computer manuals,

instruction booklets and recipe books are all texts

that you would consult with the purpose of gaining

specific information.

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