Work offer and experience with Chinese friends.

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2 years ago

I have 1253 connects in WeChat with Chinese . In picture I shared this with all of you.

If anybody ask me are you really happy to connect with Chinese ? I will answer YES I am so happy and feel proud to meet and connect with them.

Got offer to work as a translator:

I met with few chines friend in my city. He came here for business meeting. He came to Bangladesh for a business deal with few clients. My friends company is a big and renowned company from china. They manufacture truck , bus, car, tractor or others vehicle.

He was too young. He joined me in WeChat. Suddenly he told me, friends I am new comer in your country. Will you help me please? I said to him what happen friend? Tell me. If possible I must help you. He shared me that he cannot speak English. He cannot find any translator. Can you work as a translator? I use WeChat so he thinks that I can speak in English to chines. He offered me to help him and he was ready to pay for this. I said friends I cannot speak chines. I can speak Bangla and English only. But wait one of my chines friends here. If he can give time, then I will inform you. I talk with Andy but Andy told it’s not possible because he will be busy at work. As we know Andy does job. I search others to help my friends. But later it’s not possible to help him. But really I tried.

On that day I offered to meet him. He told yes you can come to my hotel. I will come to meet you in reception. I was happy because in 2nd time I am going to meet one more chines friend. when I arrived in his hotel he came. I saw that he was smiling and feeling shy. I asked what happen. He said I feel shy to meet stranger. From that day I understand in china has few people who feel nervous to talk with strangers. I said cool bro we are friends. Be normal. He said I cannot speak English. Then we talk in WeChat though we are in front. He gave me his card and told me as a friend if you want to start business I will help you. I came back to my home after meeting. Few days later he went to china. But it’s my bad luck I lost his contact card. Because someone took this from my bag.  By the way I wish those friends are in good position in his life. Pray and respect for him.


My Work Experience with few Chinese friends:

Day by day I joined with lots of chines friend. I joined in many group in chat and make lots of friends from china. Sophie, changeling, Mandy, Cao and many more friends I have. Oh no, lots of friends so I forgot name. I work in for Sophie. I did product listing of their company products. By her I learned how to do product listing and how to find keyword research. 

I sold saffron for Mandy. he sent me my commission. Mandy don't know I was in bad situation. she told me if I can sell her product then she will pay my commission. so I did post in my WeChat and 2 friends knock me to buy her product. I contacted them with Mandy. They bought and Mandy keep her words to pay my commission. But in Bangladesh it’s not possible to WeChat Cash. So I forward my friends Andy id and Mandy sent money to Andy and Andy sent me in my account. Many friends offer me but I cannot start business with them for money. I don't feel shame to speak truth. But yes still now I have trust, one day I can start business with Chinese.

I learned many things from my Chinese friends. They are so attentive and punctual about their life. They always work hard to increase their income. when I meet somebody from china in online they first tell hello how are you friend? Later they ask what do you do for living? They are so professional. They use friendship words and like to open a new network for business. I like their method. Its really attract me to them. They are helping you as friends and give you opportunity to work with them and help you to earn and establish your life style. That's really great job they do.

$ 0.46
$ 0.39 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Lucifer01
$ 0.02 from @Jumper-01
Avatar for Shawon130
2 years ago


When you are going to add me? Didn’t talk much when we met.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

do you like to ADD? hahahaha then you need to learn Chinese language :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is so great to meet new people from other countries whether it’s work related or just randomly

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I feel great to meet new people. If I am not wrong I chat with more then 30000 people all over the world. From different countries I have friends.

$ 0.00
2 years ago