Who is Never? this is going to be great story ever.

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Avatar for Shawon130
2 years ago
Topics: Billionaire, Richman, BMW, Dream, Hope, ...
Pictured Designed me

Hey how are you all? Hope everything is going alright with all of you and your family. I wish from my heart with 100% accuracy that all people in this world live with their friends & family with lots of happiness.

Today I am going to share something so special story and It will give you motivation and feelings like movies . Yeah it will be the rocking story ever in read.cash and all of the reader will enjoy it and learn from it.

Picture collected from UnSplash.com(Boy name: Never)

Here I will not use the name but yes its real story of a person I know. As we know every story has own feelings. But yes this is the story which will touch your heart and yes if I am not wrong this story will learn you many things. It’s a story of a boy who never want to left but he cannot handle the total situation because of there has lot of emotion and many more reason engage there. Here I will hide the name of that boy and use another name. Yeah this is the boy (Never). I use this name for that story. Let’s start for today’s article. are you ready to read this story?

In this world more than 220 countries have. Never was born in a rural area. He was from a poor family. His father was a government employee and mother was housekeeper. Never has 4 more brothers and 2 sisters. Never was the little one in his family. Never father did government job with normal salary like 50$. It was the 1985 when Never father retired from his job. Never parents has more Five children. Never age was 19 years old. His three brothers did marry and they have child also. Never parent was too old. Never was a good student. He got A+ in his Secondary school certificate and in his Higher Secondary School Certificate exam. He told his father to go to the city and want to take coaching. But his father cannot support him. Because what retirement money he got he spend all this to settle others children. Never was too upset when he did not get support from his father. He shared this matter with his elder brothers. But everyone was busy with their own family. As I know the elder brother was in control with their wife. They do what they are wife told to do. From my side I want to say big shame for those guy who do that type of work. Who don't care about their little brother demand. They only care about their wife demand.

When Never understood he will not get support his family then he shared this thing to his mother. His mother told Never try to understand my child I am only a housekeeper. You should need to realize my situation. Yes, I have nothing I cannot say this but it’s the last asset I have which I got your father. I have a gold ring. Never if you want than you can take this. Her mother was crying when Never told his mother I really love you and yes you prove that only one in my life are real. My father is also a great person. But I understand his situation. No problem mom just prays for me. See one-day I will prove that I was not wrong and I will be a successful person and never do wrong as my elder brother and sister did with me. I demand support from them for my career but they did not support me. I will not remind this. But yes one day they will say it they was wrong. Mom I decided to move to the city. Don't worry I will manage by myself. Never knew that it will be so tough. But he has faith nothing is impossible. If you have attention and focus on your dream nobody can stop you to fulfill this.

Few days later Never started journey to new city. It was 200 Kilometer far from him. He had no money. So he walked away only with a shirt and pant. He did not have a bag. In the middle of his journey he went to the hotel to take some food. But he did not have money. He told this thing to hotel manager. Hotel manager told him don't worry if you can work 1 hour then I can serve you  food. Never was agree to do that. Because He did not have money. After 1 work hotel manager was happy and offer him for job. But Never told him I have something to do big. Hotel manager was amazed by his job refusal. He asked Never what's your aim? Never said I want to be a billionaire. I will work hard and do study well and fulfill my dream. Hotel manager was happy to see a guy who has focus in success.

Later Never left the hotel and walked alone. Suddenly someone called him from back. Hey bro what's your name? He said I don't know you but by the way I am Never. The stranger asked wow you have a nice and unique name. I really like this. The stranger told Never don't mind last 2 hours I am following you. You are walking. But why you are not going by vehicle. Never was a true speaker. He told the stranger, I cannot afford vehicle cost. I have 0.00 USD. The stranger said I am sorry bro. Suddenly stranger asked Never Will I give you lift? Never was in hesitation because he did not know the stranger. But Never thought I have nothing to lose and I am so tired. May be it was a gift from my GOD. Never said why not bro. You are offering to help and support me. Which I never get from my family. The stranger one was a young boy and he had BMW. Hope you can understand Never luck was going to open in new era. In the journey time Stranger wants to know more about Never.

Picture Collected from UnSplash.com(BMW)

Never shared everything with stranger. Stranger felt cry and said bro you are so honest and true speaking person. You saw I have BMW car and I am happy. No bro its wrong. What's people see it’s not 100 percent right. Never said what happen bro? Stranger said I don't have anybody who will take care and give me love. I am alone so alone. I have more than 100 billion assets but I am alone. Never said bro don't worry if you don't mind than I like to be your best one in your life. Stranger said Never you are the first guy who spoke me to accompany as a friend not only friend as like brother. Never said I have nothing but from today I will think I have someone special in this city which name is Stranger bro.

Later they went to the city. Never said stranger I have no place to live. Stranger said what were you going to say from today you will live in my house. I have 50 rooms own house. I have more than 30 private assistants to take care of me. From today they will take care of you. Never was so happy to listen that.

Never shared stranger I came here to study well and want to be establish with right track. Stranger said tomorrow I will take you to the university and every costing I will support to you. You just focus on your study. Never was crying after listen that. He said to stranger you are the real gift from my GOD. You are really a gentle and nice and kind person. Stranger said it's ok. You are my brother so it's my responsibility to support you.

Next day stranger took Never to the university. Never dream was he will be a businessman and will be the richest person. So he choose BBA for his graduation. Stranger and Never enjoying their life with full of happiness. Day by Day they are going to engage more and closely from heart. They do shopping, see movies, go for long journey, play games etc. 4 years completed and Never did top score from that university. Stranger was happy to hear that. Never came to the media that a talented guy from rural area was the top scorer. Stranger was happy.

After completed BBA Never took admission for MBA. He completed his MBA with top scorer. Later he did PHD. But in the mean time when Never completed his PHD he came back to home to inform it to Stranger. But suddenly he saw that stranger was in the floor. He ran away to the stranger what happen bro. He called to the ambulance and took him to the hospital. Never said to stranger don't worry bro. Nothing happen. Stranger was smiling that time and said Never don't worry, I will come back to you and always with you. When never said You were the biggest support of mine. Stranger said Never just open your eyes and see the reality. In your life has any strangers yet. Never said yes you. Stranger was laughing. Stranger said to Never one more time Open your eyes bro. Never said my eyes is open. Stranger said no bro you are in dream tonight. Just open and feel and see who I am? Never closed his eyes and opened it one more time and can see that the stranger was the biggest support of him and stranger was nobody it was his FAITH.

Never had faith and he had dream and hope and focus. When he came back from rural area he told his mom he will be billionaire. Yeah now he is the most riches person all over the world.

Picture collected from UnSplash.com (billionaire)

What we learn from it?

Never lose your hope and faith. If you are confident in your dream, hope, aim and keep faith on it nothing can stop you. You will get support and you can see your all things happening as your wish and plan. Never lose faith. Its the biggest asset for everyone.

Picture Designed by me


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Avatar for Shawon130
2 years ago
Topics: Billionaire, Richman, BMW, Dream, Hope, ...
