Friendship Cluster

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2 years ago
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It must be admitted that from elementary school to college, we have gone through many friendship dynamics. Gradually, we see and understand that we can't always fit into certain social circles. There are only one or two things that make us incompatible.

However, there is also a circle that actually opens us to be more able to interpret ourselves. This article was not created with the intention of generalizing one or two circle of friends or making one circle of friends better than another. Rather, it is intended to explain my interpretation of the reality of the various associations I experience.

At the level of higher education, at least we all have a broader awareness than the previous level. We begin to understand the realities of life that we have never seen before. It also more or less influences us in making decisions about our circle of friends.

Some need active friends to become their circle of friends, some need social status as a condition to become their circle of friends.

Yes, maybe the example above can be right or wrong. But clearly, there are certain requirements that we sometimes make consciously or unconsciously.

There are certain conditions that are often made based on our judgment of something. I give my opinion because honestly, I unconsciously create this condition to filter my circle of friends.

Everyone has their own motives as to why they include some of these requirements. But what is clear is that this is a choice that they choose on the influence of their own consciousness.

In college, people who are abroad are faced with new differences. For example, differences in culture, atmosphere, and even differences in the ethnicity of some friends.

This also makes the circle of college friends quite unique. We will find differences that we have never seen before, try to understand new things and give a little tolerance to promote a better friendship.

A person's background also makes us more or less have certain expectations of a friendship. It's not about how long we've been friends, but how many moments that might make us define ourselves.

Gradually, I began to think that the circle of friends was not only meant for laughter, but more noble than that. Not also as a place to bring down one person with another, a gathering event is also able to improve the quality of each person in every meeting.

Perhaps, the meaning of the word increase does not mean to show better productivity, but rather to increase self-esteem.

If I quote the words of my friend, there are two types of themes, namely:

1. Friends who encourage us to move forward

2. Friends who encourage us to come back

Indeed in practice, we can not see too black and white this problem. Sometimes a compromise is needed which might actually strengthen the friendship.

Because yes, there is basically no final theory in the context of this friendship. After all, in the end we will also meet people who are outside our "circle". Whether happy or sad.

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2 years ago
