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4 years ago

I was passing by my father's room. Suddenly I felt like coming back from my father's room. I haven't been to my father's room for a long time. I haven't spent time with my father like before after marriage. I entered my father's room and saw that the room was very chaotic. Very messy. Just like a small child's room. My father has aged. My body is deteriorating day by day. I got up in the morning and went to the office again. I don't have time to think about my father. I called Jui. Jui came to my father's room and said,

- What happened, why are you shouting so much ??

- Why is father's room so dirty and messy ??

- So what do I do ??


What do you mean? I didn't tell you to take care of my father.

- Do I just read about him every day or whatever. I have a lot more work to do at home.

- That's why he won't take care of his father.

- Why? I am feeding him on time. I am giving him medicine on time.

I didn't say anything. I know it won't help to say anything to him. He's like that. Very stubborn. I got married in love. So I have to endure all this. Zui went to the kitchen. On the notebook kept. What is the father doing with the notebook. Curiosity increased to see what is there. I opened the first page with the notebook. My diary is written on the first page. It was very strange to read the article. And below it is written kalija. Baba loved mother very much. But after mother's death, father changed a lot. When mother died, I used to read Inter. At that time, my father was very broken. Brother and sister. Apura is big and I am the youngest. My Apura means Ira Apu and Jannat Apu have been married for two years. Since then, my father and I have been living alone. Jui and I have been married for 6 months. I turned the page. There are many poems written about my mother. I read them all and smiled a little. After turning a few pages, it is written

- Today is my little boy's wedding. Not small or very big. He works now. Kavya has learned to take responsibility now. Today is her wedding. Girl is her choice. I do it without seeing her. I have done everything as they like. Jui mother is very sweet to look at. I pray that they are happy.

I read a few pages like this, all of them are written about me. I turned the next page upside down,

-Kavya is very busy now. Her body is deteriorating day by day. Kavya does not see the night sky like before. Sitting in the tea shop and drinking tea, father and son are not allowed to chat. To buy. But my aunt told me,

-Dad, what will you do with the diary at this age ??

- Nothing. I used to write a little.

- I don't buy a diary with so much money. I buy some books at a low price and write them down. I took the money to buy a book without saying anything. Now I am very ashamed to look for money from my daughter-in-law.

- It is possible to take a little expensive medicine without taking such expensive medicine.

I didn't say anything that day either. How can I say something. If I told Kavya, he would think I was lying. He doesn't think about me anymore. He is busy with his house and family now. I don't want to ruin his beautiful world. There is no problem in that. I am with my son, this is enough. But my mother-in-law can't stand me at all. She is upset when I say something. Her back pain has increased. My mother-in-law says when I ask her for some money to go to the doctor.

- All mannerisms.

So I didn't say anything else. I was forced to save this month's money. I said I would go to see a doctor. Yesterday my mother-in-law told me that I was the burden of their family.

I can't read anymore. Tears are constantly falling from my eyes. The father who let me get a little trouble someday. That father is suffering thousands of hardships today. Jui is so low. I am ashamed to call myself her husband. Dad came back. He saw me and said,

- Dad, I made a decision.

- What, Dad?

- I will go to the old age home tomorrow. Will you drop me off at the ashram when I go to the office?

- Well, Dad.

After saying the word, my father left. He didn't give me a chance to say anything. I had Jui by my side. He was happy. He told me,

- Let's say goodbye to the disaster so far. What a poem.

I didn't say anything. At night I told Jui,

- Listen, tomorrow we will go on holiday to Cox's Bazar. You pack your clothes.

- Are you telling the truth?

- Yes, really.

Jui was happy and went to cook. Dad didn't eat with us for a long time. Today he came to eat. Jui made my father's favorite food. Dad will leave tomorrow. Dad ate quietly. I, Jui and my father are sitting in the car. First I went to Jui's house. I told Jui,

- Take your bag. And let's meet your father.

-But why the bag ??

- Don't go.

I went to Jui's house. My father also came. I brought my father. I am sitting on the sofa. Jui's parents saw us and said,

-Kire son-in-law that untimely ??

- Yes, I came to explain your things to you.

- What do we mean by that?

- Your daughter.

Xu said from the side,

- What are you talking about these poems ??

- Yes, I'm right. And listen, don't leave a lowly girl like you as a wife. I will be without a wife for the rest of my life. And I will send the divorce papers. Along with all the money you owe.

Dad slapped me from the side and said,


Jui's father and mother said without understanding anything,

- Kavya Baba, tell me what happened ??

Dad may have noticed. I told Dad,

- Dad, you sit in the car. I'm coming.

Dad refused to go. I was forced to shout,

- I told you to go.

- Dad is gone.

Then Jui's father said,

- What happened, son-in-law? What did my daughter do wrong?

-Kavya What have I done ?? I love you so much.

- Shut up, you. I hate to hear love in the face of a girl like you. And yes, even if you forget your daughter, don't look in front of my eyes.

- Tell me what my daughter did,

-What did you ask ?? The father who raised me after so many years of hardship. He made me a human being by enduring thousands of hardships. He hid his hardships and fought for the happiness of our brothers and sisters. He called that father a disaster. What does the word father mean? Your daughter doesn't know that. Teach her. And yes, Jui, you also listen,

- My father is a danger to you. But to me, above all. The most expensive to me. The most beloved.

-Jui hugged me and said,

-Sorry Kavya forgive me.

- I can't. It is not possible for me to forgive. You think my father is a danger, isn't it. How can I think after forgiving my father so much?

I left. I started the car. Dad told me,

- How much is Kiri Booma ??

- He won't come after today. Dad, forgive me. I forgot. I forgot to give you time. You are everything to me.

Now my father and I are sitting in the tea shop drinking tea and chatting. Hmmm, I can see a happy look in my father's eyes. After many days, my father is smiling. I haven't seen his smiling face for a long time. I love you so much ...

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Avatar for Shathi
Written by
4 years ago


An amazing article your thought is great Subscribe done please subscribe me

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you so much for your compliment... sub done

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very important article dear friend

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thnx a lot dear friend

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing article dear friend

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thnx a lot I m gald for ur comment

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I love my father. Subscribe back dear

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thnak you Done

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thnkx a lot dear

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Welcome dear

$ 0.00
4 years ago

wow.. great job dear.. keep it up

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thnx dear

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I love u my father

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I also love my father

$ 0.00
4 years ago


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4 years ago


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4 years ago


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4 years ago


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4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago
$ 0.00
4 years ago

Heart Touching Article Brother Keep supporting me alsoπŸ’•

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah sureπŸ€—

$ 0.00
4 years ago

So sad

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nothing dear

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

The family that works day and night to provide food is the father, I wish all the fathers in the world well.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I also wish😊

$ 0.00
4 years ago