What is goal setting, why, how?

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3 years ago
Whether you want to be an entrepreneur or an officer, a pilot or a doctor, a teacher or an engineer, your life goal can be created from your dreams. I am writing this with respect to your dreams so that you can take your dreams, thoughts to the next step. This article is about professionals setting goals for their career success but no matter where you are in life, you can learn from these examples to achieve your goals.

Before this discussion of what is goal setting, why, how, we do not evaluate ourselves a little and clear our vision a little.

At first I did not know what career success? Everyone’s career success can be different. Some people consider themselves successful if they are economists, some people think that being a famous engineer of the country, some people think that being a doctor, some people think that being the MD or CEO of a company is a career success. So I have to decide what career success is for me. Whatever the goal of my career success, I need to see what level of success I am at. Suppose, I want to be the Country Sales Director but I have just started working as a Sales Executive. That means I’m at the first level of my goal.

Secondly don’t know, am I following someone for my career success or does anyone have my ideals? If so, what attracts me to them, why? For example, if the MD of my office seems to be my ideal, that is, if being an MD like him is my career goal, then his punctuality, discipline, personality, social status, economic position are all things that I think are my ideals.

Third, do I really want to be what I want to be today? Suppose I set my career goal to be a sales manager for a company. But if I had a lot of money at the moment and I didn't have any credit, would I still consider being a sales manager a career success?

Fourth, do I have to look for a job that I love to do all the time? If not, how can I make it a part of my career?

Fifth, suppose you have achieved career success which means you have reached your desired goal. Dreamed for a while to reach this position, imagined. Do you feel the happiness, the relief and the satisfaction that you are supposed to get after reaching this position? If not, what could be the reason behind it?

I think it's important to think about these things before setting goals because they will make your vision clear. Vision has to do with goal setting. The clearer and more accurate your vision, the easier it will be for you to reach your goals and goals. Vision is to create an image in your mind for your final position. If your vision is to reach heaven, that is, if the image of heaven is imprinted in your mind, then in order to go to heaven, you will learn religion, go to places of worship, do good deeds, refrain from evil deeds, follow religious precepts, etc.

You are just a first year student of marketing. If your life goal is that you will be the best marketing guru / consultant in the country in 20 years from today, then from now on you will have to set different goals for 5-10-15-20 years.

The goal of the first five years may be your academic success, reading some books written by the best marketing gurus, getting in touch with the best marketing gurus in the country and doing an internship on marketing at one of the best companies in the country.

In the second five years your goal will be to join the company of your choice as an apprentice. From there take yourself to mid career (manager) and take continuous education (certificate, license, degree-masters) on marketing.

In the third five years, you have to take yourself to the top career (General Manager, Director) and take Continuing Education (Certificate, License, Degree-PhD) on Marketing, Networking on Marketing, Seminars, Organizations, and Academics.

In the last five years, you need to create a road map to reach your desired destination. In other words, your vision is to be a marketing guru and you have to paint that image in your mind. All in all, when you set a career goal, set a career development goal behind it and start working by planning for it. Keep track of whether you are achieving daily, weekly, monthly, yearly achievements for what you want to achieve in five years.

What is the goal?

You dream, float in the world of imagination যদি if I were rich, powerful, I would own a company, I would own an expensive car, I would own a house, I would be a great official of the best company! These are dreams and fantasies. But when you decide to get something specific from these dreams, that will be the goal. Give an example:

Dream I (if) will be rich!

Goal: I will own 10 lakh rupees in the next five years.

Dream: I (if) will be a good student!

Goal: I will take first place in the semester exam.

Dream I will own the company!

Goal: I will start my own company next June.

Dream I will own a motorbike!

Goal: I will buy an X brand motorbike worth one lakh rupees next January.

So the definition of goal is to decide to get something specific. It will remain a fantasy or a dream until you decide to get something specific. People are not afraid to imagine or dream but are afraid to set goals. The main reason behind this is faith! The first condition for success in the goal is faith, I can! It doesn't matter how big or difficult your goal is, it matters how much you believe in achieving it.

The goal may be to lose 15 kg in one year, become a manager of the company in three years, travel abroad with family next summer, increase the company's income from Rs 200,000 to Rs 500,000 in the next two years, get a job in the desired company in six months. Etc. If your goal is not impossible, be it small or big, if you can build trust in yourself, make yourself flexible, challenge the goal by controlling yourself, then nothing is impossible to achieve.

Why set goals?

Simple thought, get out of the house and go somewhere but if you do not know the destination, how long will you walk. There are many kinds of food on the table, if you know which food to eat, you will be satisfied with those foods on the plate, you will be happy. And if you don't know, take a lot of food on the plate, some of which may make you feel bad, you will be dissatisfied, you will get upset and throw away the food.

Set goals to succeed in life, to be happy. Running after something without a goal is a waste of time, money and energy. Setting goals will allow you to focus on what you want to achieve and measure how far you have come. For example, you have set a goal to reach Panchagarh in eight hours from Dhaka. When you leave for Panchagarh and reach Bogra in two hours, you will realize that you have another six hours to reach your destination.

The bottom line is that once you set goals, you'll be focused on achieving them. If you go out of the house without deciding where you are going, at first you may think to go to the market, then after a short walk, then to the playground, then after a short walk, or to meet a friend. But first, if the goal was to go out and play for an hour, then you would not have to change your mind so many times.

Another interesting thing is that when you set the goal, the goal itself will encourage you, inspire you to reach your destination. Suppose you set a goal and you will be the first in the semester exam. Setting this goal will make it work within you that you need to go to class properly, submit assignments at the right time, maintain contact with teachers, and concentrate on your studies.

How do I set goals?

You combine your fantasies and dreams. Now sit down with yourself, see which dreams you really want to see come true. Now aim for them and write them down on a piece of paper. I say again, you have to specify the goal. Write don't travel the world in five years, write I will travel to Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia this year. Believe in yourself that I can. Once you've set a goal, create a way to achieve it.

Suppose you are the coach of a football team, your goal is to become the champion of the 2018 inter-club football team. To achieve this goal, you have created a method, practice every day, play hot matches, pick the best players, etc.

There are a few things to keep in mind when planning this method or work. First, set a realistic time for each goal. Second, create small goals to achieve the main goal in keeping with the time and goal. Third, create a work plan for each step and make tasks visible over time. The writing is getting longer, other times I will write with some real examples so that you can set goals with your own career.


Define your goal.

Need to set realistic and time bound goals.

Break down the main goal into smaller goals and set deadlines for achieving them.

Adjust the action plan according to the importance of the goal.

Follow up on achieving goals.

Practice setting goals all the time.


Don't expect immediate results by setting goals. The timing of the results depends on the reality and your active participation. Good luck to all.

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3 years ago
