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3 years ago
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Paddy (scientific name Oryza sativa, Oryza glaberrima) is a cereal plant of the genus Graminae / Poaceae. Paddy is widely cultivated in warm climates, especially in East Asia. The word Ou-liz in ancient Chinese became Oruz in Arabic and Oryza in Greek, and eventually Ritz and Rice. The origin of the word paddy or dhanya is unknown. Rice or rice has been the staple food of millions of people since ancient times. Paddy cultivation is said to have started about 10,000 years ago under the patronage of the kings of China and Japan. Due to its extensive adaptability, rice grows from North Korea to South Australia, and even at an altitude of 2,600 meters above sea level (Joomla, Nepal).

In Bangladesh, Aush, Aman and Boro are cultivated in these three seasons.

Paddy is generally a perennial plant, in some areas especially in temperate regions it is cultivated as a biennial plant. Paddy can be cultivated for up to 30 years. The growth and production of paddy often depends on the fertility of the soil.

In areas where rainfall is high or low lands, paddy is good. It is also cultivated on hills or hill slopes. Paddy cultivation is highly labor intensive. It requires a lot of labor, so it is easy to cultivate paddy in areas where labor costs are low. Its native plant habitats are Asia and Africa.

In order to cultivate paddy, first a seedbed has to be prepared, the seeds have to be sprinkled there and irrigated for a few days, then when small seedlings are ready, they are picked up and planted in the main land. Moreover direct seeds are also cultivated by scattering on the main land. Paddy cultivation requires a lot of water. Water is stored at the base of the tree for a long time. Usually water is retained by making pipes and isles. Rice production may be reduced due to weeds, diseases and insects. Radi rats are one of the main enemies of rice. Normally by keeping water in the soil, its nuisance including weeds can be reduced.

The product of rice is called rice. Rice is made from this rice which is the main food of Bengalis.

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Written by
3 years ago


yeah i learn about paddy in my classes but from your article i know very well๐Ÿ˜Š

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3 years ago

you write well. thanks for your article.

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3 years ago

This article is very informative. Readers should read this!

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3 years ago

Informative article dear..Thanks for sharing with us๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜keep it up

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3 years ago