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4 years ago
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Maize (scientific name Zea mays) is a type of food grain. Mesoamerica is the original origin of this crop. After the Europeans entered the Americas, it spread to other parts of the world.

Maize is more nutritious than rice and wheat. It contains about 11% of non-vegetarian ingredients. The meat is rich in essential amino acids, tryptophan and lysine. In addition, yellow corn kernels contain about 90 milligrams of carotene or vitamin A per 100 grams.

Maize grains are used as human food and maize plants and green leaves are used as high quality cattle feed. It is also important as a food for poultry and fish. About 270,000 tons of maize grains are required annually to meet the demand of livestock, poultry farms and fish. Sandy loam and loam soils are suitable for maize cultivation. Care should be taken so that water does not accumulate in the soil. Maize is also cultivated in jum cultivation.

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