Do Something Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For..

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3 years ago

Today, I present to you an article titlled,"Do something today that your future self will thank you for "..

Basically as life goes on, we have today and as well tomorrow where tomorrow solely depends on today. If today doesn't end , tomorrow won't set in . What happens today goes a long way to influence the results of tomorrow hence should be managed critically. Managing today critically also has an influence of our attitude, our way of life , how we address situations and as well how we take our actions in case there is the need to.

The topic of today's article simply tells us to make our present profitable in the near future as long as we can. Make it profitable, make it a moment you can remember and boast of it as a best way of life. Make every second, minute, hour, day , week , month or year count and must at least be profitably used.

We should make this time a great one not use it to rather joke or play around else we will live to regret it.

Also as individuals,many are the things we have the right to do but not all suits us. Somethings are just there that they are not wrong or an offence to do per the constitution but it just doesn't suit us to engage in some of those things if we really want success. For such activities they are mostly appealing and we see a lot of our friends engaging in them but that is not the solution.. Easy ways they call I hence resolving in gambling, stealing and the likes and you also think it is good ? Then you are doomed.

For success to actually be our portion, a whole lot of things are not supposed to be a part of us.

To be that respected adult you want to be in future; who owns a lot of buildings and money ;

  • then the first thing to do is choose from the good and the bad; Choose which side you actually are and by so doing you can know what you stand to get.

    1. Go for the good if you really want success.

      In life there are a whole lot of choices we have to make based in our dreams. So for success you have to go by the good way.

    2. On the other hand if you want to follow friends and listen to advices from some people to always make the wrong move and end up irrelevant in life then you can choose that also.

  • Now, stay by it and work with it. Per your choice you stay with it and work harder based on your principles.

Many are the things society do not cherish as well as many are those they cherish. The society frowns over certain values or attitudes not just because they don't want your prosperity or success but because such things are not of help and not only does it have an effect on only you as an individual but the whole community so the society do not like it.

A society won't or don't tolerate a thief because not only is he endangering himslef by putting his life in the line, but also he is putting the whole community into shock and risk as he will do all he can to hide even if it involves killing , or hurting someone.

It is always of better results to go accordingly as the virtues of a place demands . We might not be able to.di that though but we shouldn't go wayward to the extent of damaging our life.

To do something today that your future self will be proud of simply means we take measures in our youth; when we can and make good use of ourselves when we still can since there would be no other time for us to do that in a case where we didn't and when such periods occur while we have enough to spend or depend on, we become proud of it but on the other hand , if we wasted our time on Earth doing what is not necessary but rather seeking or chasing after girls while we still can make some money, the. We lead ourselves into a really big trouble.

Do something today, put in more efforts today, be more productive, learn more skills, take lectures if necessary, and a whole lot of positive activities simply because they are those that will keep you moving and in the near future, such will lead to success where we get recognized and noticed by people

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3 years ago
