Technical Education

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3 years ago

Greeting readers

Hope you all are fine. Today my article is based on Technical Education.

Technical Education has become the most important branch of learning. It means getting skill and craft along with education. This is an age of science and technology. It is also an age of industrial development. We need workers and skilled men to run industry. So under these circumstances, we need to produce such men as are skilled workers.

The main subjects of technical Education are commerce and industry. Government has already established many technical colleges which are providing education on technical grounds. Then there are commerce colleges that are providing young men to promote commerce and trade.

The education as to why we need technical Education is not difficult to answer. First,we do not have the required number of skilled men to run over industry and promote agriculture. Secondly , our country is rich in raw material but because of the lack of industries and skilled workers we cannot utilize it fully. So sell this raw material at cheaper rates to other countries. So the only answer to this kind of problem is technical Education.

Technical Education makes our young men hard working. They start believing in the dignity of labour. By doing work with their own hands, they become very useful members of society. They should not be burden on their family.

Morever in this age of science and technology, if we do not produce scientists and technicians, we will lag far behind from other countries. So , technical Education is the only key to progress.

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3 years ago
