Make the name to be remember then your intro will not be important

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Hey there!!! This is me in front of you with a minor but major question!!! What we have get yet? For me nothing!! Because someone we are still know by our parents name!! Like wise you are the child of someone?? Is that our success that in this age where our parents should feel proud on us still we use their identity!! Nope that's not a success but guys success is not still far... because to be successful or famous you don't have to give you whole life but do atleast one good work which make your name because do one thing but the this was a short message from my side so let me introduce myself

  • This is shahzaman khan from pakistan, A friendly person and Bch Lover also a student, on my educational background I am the student of computer science department and doing my Bachlors degree (4-years) and currently my last semester is going on after that my professional life will begin...

  • BCH is like my love because it is much reliable and easy to hold... I enjoyed the time on but left because Of my sudies but again I am here with all of you to have some fun/knowledge and much learning hope you guys will help me...

    Guys the last message but not least gice the importance to the time because life is just like passing and Still we have done nothing which is really sad so be brave and face difficulties to find new you

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