Pakistan is in the throes of a deep economic crisis

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3 years ago

Increased global appetite tor energy and toreign direct investments This Aslan Development Bank (ALDB) about and other commodities as a result of means that the toreign exchange supply two weeks ago and signiicantly higher this recovery has in turn triggered a remains fragile with any small change than 3 4pc forecast by the World Bank en prIces or rueLne mpac or internatonal andegiona sranons ew days ag wnicn was rejecte o DOumded by their epensive landing The stuation in Afhanistan has three Solutionshad proiected Pakistans costs in Pakistan And then the depre major implications for Pakistan's econ growth rate at 4 2pc which was signif Clating value ot the rupee against the omy First given Pakistans Iraught icanty lower than the budgeted target Us dolar 1s making Pakistani imports relations with the Us it remains un of 4 3pc 1he state Bank ot Pakstan has urtner epensive veak aaminista certaln ir Paistan w De taken o ne anncpated u grown ar tne nigne ve mecnanisms at tne uistnct ana lo lnancial Acdon lask ForcesA8) Sae or4pC innaton 1s proected to cal levels are another reason for price grey list the review 1is scheduled next edge up in Fr22with expected domes hikes These poor mechanisms are also month Second and for the same rea tic energy tariff hikes and higher oil and responsible tor the uncthecked smug sons Pakstan should not epect any commodity prices betore moderating fertiliser to Afchanistan whose econ and wil have to fulfil all the commit tinue declinin reachino 4rnc h EY23 omy is reeling under the de facto eco ments it made while signing the ongo The current account deficit is projected nomic and financial sanctions imposed ing loan package Third Pakistan will to widen to 25pc of GDP in FY23 as KASHIF MnRZA The writer is an economiSt ancho analyst and the President of all Schools FedetaO presidentoPakistan aistan 1s makng enotts by the US remain an unattacuve destinaton tor mpors epand win nigner econon str sav ent Considering that a major chunk ot fed foreign investors due to the negative ic growth and oil prices Exports are epected to grow strongiy arter iniially tapering in FY2 as with the International Mon eral revenues comes from these very COvErge e etary Fund (LME) to Driage duties and taxes withdrawing or re Situation gets im the maneh ducing them will certainly increase the American media hilll e No quick s avalable The only thing that The growth tarit relorm measuresS IMF under the existing USD 6 billion for t ENended Fund Facility (EFF) this or reducine duties and tares o thei Would depend on gain trac massive gross eaternal financing re portofessential commodities Another out a thorough and n tveness In addition guirement wll be at risk in the wake ot solution suggested by many is that the realistic analysis of Or Key structur tc growth of oficial ohe hater rdos nhheupee ust be strengthened in order nomic and al reforms par expected to inlows mo0era s other multilateral creditors such asne to make impors th nre that this ticularly those after benefiting from World Bank (WB) and Asian Develop ever does not work due to two Iactors e ene ua Bank (ADB) The redt rau n endent on the state of the serious cono taining maCTO channels in Fre ment 5an ADB he redit rang first the rupe's strength or weakness policy does not have aimed at sus a Covid 19 induced transition to formal o Is heavly dependent on the state ot the serious economic economy as well as the infiow and out conseque through the issuance of internationa mow o tfow of for steps to save bonds will become expensive Pak stans economy is facing pronged chal eign exchange is stronger than its in from the devastat sgis projected to remain engesnernationauy tsacing soar flow as is the case with Pakistan these ing effects of ris Op v high at pc of GDP ho should take conomic stabil tion efforts the deficit t days keeping the rupee artficialy ing inflation This and improving in PY2 and widen to Such as o1 8as wnea and sugar a strong wil aepiete our meagre 10rcg financial viabili achon enar unusualy nign snppng cnarges o exchange reserves wnlch we neeu to esgue foreign trade; reglonany itls 8raPpunB meet our current account deficit Peeun Spendln& hood opportunities ty of the energy he growth would de The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has througn rey and development Pend on implementa tion ot key structur at dain around s20 billon in reserves it can rolling out The gov sector in Afghanistan; and domestically it is sell uyngto come to grips with a falling supply in the market and strenothen rd rupee value and tne 1ack Or esources the rupee value But then it will be left purchasing power oep neprices or elecuic gas and with less foreign exchange than what it through targeted lsn ing macroeconomic stability increasing8 eeds to pay tor essential imports and subsi dies using the National Socioec competitiveness and improving finan a n o return torelgn loans The central bank onomic Registry's survey data on en cal viability of the energy and devel c csT s tnis rightly tited towards maintaining ergy and food items The International opment sector Implementation of nancing or Don Enn a its reserves to avoid a balance of pay Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast inade critical revenue enhancing reforms Tw ear period 2025 n order ment crisis The artificially strength quate growth ate of four per cent for particularly the General Sales Tax har oil in che conservative estimates assessed by the rupee also sibsidises imports Pakstan coupled with elevated rate of monisation wll support a narrowing8 IME Pakistans gross external financ well as export growth The only way rate during the current fiscal year This debt will remain elevated in the medi ing requirements stands at UsD 23 6 to strengthen the rupee without a neg growth rate is exactly the same as pro um term as will Pakistan's exposure to n and n ative impact on exports and toreign jected by the Asian Development Bank debt related shocks Moreover dgital g echange reserves is to somehow in (ADB) about two weeks ago and sig technologies make services more trad e crease the suppy of dolars 1his can nificanty higher than 3 4pc forecast by able and enable services to increase productivity of other sectors inchucling r inducing toreign direct investmets The nternational Monetary Fund manutacturing Digital platorms open agne nsadrre o securing toretgn loans and increasing (IME) forecast inadequate growth rate up new markets for firms while short the flow ot remittances from overseas of tour per cent tor Pakistan coupled term recoverY 1s important policy Sy stem aha pointea out tnat anerent be done by raisi export eanings tne word Bank Petroleum Ol Lubricants (POL) prod ucts The GST rate on fertiliser tractors sending increasingly more money back bom unemployment rate during the nity to saddress deep roted challenges and other items should also be brought homethan they did in the past there is current fiscal year This growth rate is and pursue a development path that is at tne standard rae or per cent little to no progress in export growth exacty the same as projected by the green resilient and inclusive

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3 years ago
