Why Laws are made?

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3 years ago

Why Laws are made?

In class, the teacher stood up and asked a student his name and asked him to leave the class without any reason. The student tried to find out the reason and give several arguments in his defense but the teacher did not listen to a single one and insisted on his decision. The student came out with a broken heart and grief, but he considered the abuse to be cruel. The surprise was on the rest of the students who bowed their heads and sat in silence.

At the beginning of the lecture, the teacher asked the students: Why laws are made? One student stood up and said: To control people's attitudes.

Another student said: To apply to society.

The third said; So that no strong person can abuse the weak.

After hearing several answers, the teacher said: All these answers are correct but not enough.

One student stood up and said: So that justice can be done.

The teacher said: Yes, this is exactly the answer I wanted to hear. So that justice may prevail.

The teacher then asked: But what is the use of justice and fairness?

One student replied: So that the rights of the people can be protected and no one can oppress anyone.

This time the teacher said after a pause: Well, without fear of me and without hesitation answer me one thing, have I done any wrong or abuse by removing your fellow student from the classroom?

All students answered in unison Yes sir, you have abused.

This time the teacher spoke angrily and said: Well, there has been injustice. Then why did you all remain silent? What is the use of such laws which no one has the courage to enforce?

When your fellow student was being abused and you were silent about it, it just meant that you had lost your humanity. And remember, when humanity falls, there is no substitute for it.

At the same time, the teacher stood outside the room

He called the student back in, apologized to him in front of everyone, and turned to the rest of the students, saying: This is your lesson for today. And go, go and find such injustices in the society and think of ways to enforce the law to rectify them. Image source google.

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3 years ago
