Last paper celebration🥳🥳🥳
I was busy with my 2nd semester final exams for the last two weeks, and I experienced my last paper yesterday...😂
If you are a student then you can understand this that Whether you have read in your papers or not, the joy of last paper has it's own importance. Haha...🙌 🙈
I was going with one of my friends and it was our last paper, so we thought why not to have some fun.🥳🥳🥳🥳 So so so after finishing our paper we went to a restaurant ...
and enjoyed a healthy lunch with friendly environment...
After that we went to a mall, walked around, ate ice cream and drank Mango Milk Shake (favourite)😋..
Then we left for our homes and stopped right at the berrage on our way, captured some beautiful pictures and returned home with golden memories....♥️😴
This was my friend's last semester and last paper, so we enjoyed this day very much and made it memorable.♥️