On Fiat, Fascism, & Freedom IV

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1 year ago

On Medical Fascism II: Monkeypox Redux

We covered the thing-du-joura highly-modified "Gain-of-Function" weaponized version of Monkeypox coming to a gangbang near you, in Issue 3 of "On Fiat, Fascism, & Freedom" and the Gates/GAVI gang is back at it with their lapdogs the corporate media going into an absolute frenzy over the numbers of recently infected with the sores back in August. Sebastian Kimball, at the "Health & Science" department *cough* over at CNBC, is reporting that infections have blossomed from the initial 7,500 to over 35,000 during the past few weeks of fear-mongering according to the W.H.O. 

The first known case of a pet dog contracting Monkeypox from its owners was reported recently in Paris, France. The "non-monogamous" gay couple who share a bed with their Italian greyhound had come to the hospital for treatment after experiencing a fever as well as the tell-tale sores had passed the disease to the dog and the dog developed sores on its stomach and anus according to the Daily Mail:

The two Parisians developed symptoms at the beginning of June before they developed the lesions showing a monkeypox infection.

The two men aged 44 and 27, who live together in a non-monogamous relationship, developed sores a week after having sex with other men.

They went to the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris with their symptoms after twelve days — but there was one patient the doctors had forgotten about.

Their Italian greyhound had also developed ulcerations and pustules on its stomach.

A PCR test confirmed the canine had also come down with monkeypox, confirming the first case of a domestic pet contracting the virus.

Further genetic sequencing showed the strain of the disease was an identical match with the disease that had infected its owners.

Outside of the continent of Africa, over 98% of Monkeypox cases are transmitted to and from, in the new-nomenclature from our politically-correct overlords, "men who have sex with other men." According to GAVI (The Vaccine Alliance funded by the Gates Foundation) the disease is not so easily transmitted and is generally confined to Africa:

The virus generally spreads to people from infected wild animals such as rodents and primates, found in the rainforests of Central and West Africa, but human-to-human transmission can also occur. Similar to viruses like Ebola, transmission only happens in close proximity by contact with lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets or contaminated materials such as bedding or clothes.

In the same article the author, Priya Joi, quotes a W.H.O. article (now 404'ed) that states "In 2020... reported 4,594 suspected cases of monkeypox, including 171 deaths (case fatality ratio 3.7%.)" Now when you are looking at these stats keep in mind that GAVI is in the business of manufacturing "fear porn" in order to sell more of their main product so when you are looking at the death toll, these deaths are merely suspected of dying from monkeypox as you need to do a PCR (Polymerase Chain-Reaction Test) in order to produce a confirmation that they did indeed have the disease and these tests are not readily available in endemic regions such as Central and West Africa where there is a chance of contracting it in the first place.

We have seen fear-mongering hit-pieces that have stated the death rate of being 10% (like the 404'ed article link above that stated "Although symptoms often ease within a month, one in ten cases can be fatal. Children are particularly susceptible") before being retracted but is the reported case fatality rate of 3.7% really even in the ballpark at this point?

Not according to Dr. Robert Malone in his Substack article from May 21st, 2022:

Those readers who have become sensitized to this type of information manipulation and weaponization will immediately notice two key things about this comment. First, the reported mortality of 3.7% (NOT 10%) of cases is from suspected, not confirmed cases. Secondly, this type of sampling is highly biased towards more severe disease- countries rarely will detect and do not report cases of mild disease to the WHO.

So, is the biothreat real? Is is imminent? Does it justify the global media hype? As I was waiting in an airport lounge to travel from USA to the UK two days ago, I saw a newsreel from CNN which was breathlessly reporting on this “threat” while displaying historic images of patients suffering from Smallpox disease. This provides a classical example of public health fearporn, in my opinion, and CNN should be reprimanded for broadcasting irresponsible propaganda - misinformation and disinformation- under the guise of journalism.


On The Assassination of Shinzo Abe

Shinzo Abe was the former Prime Minister of Japan and was currently serving in the House of Representatives (the lower house of the National Diet of Japan) when he was shot with a homemade "shotgun" by 41-year-old Tetsuya Yamagami who was immediately arrested for the assault which was later upgraded to murder charges when the former prime minister died after being airlifted to Nara Medical University Hospital in Kashihara. According to NHK News, ""As a result of the judicial autopsy conducted by the police in the early hours of the 9th, the cause of death was blood loss due to a single bullet entering the left upper arm that damaged the arteries under the left and right clavicle." Shinzo Abe was a fierce opponent of communism and the New World Order

There are many strange occurrences within this story from the mysterious blue sheet that was immediately erected around him by medical personnel and the strange behavior of the people attending to him looked as if they were "crisis actors" smiling while they had just witnessed a shooting of a major political figure.

(Images from 明日の世界2《政治・芸術・霊性》ワク珍打つと@shiroi_suna_2 Twitter feed)

Nobody else was injured in any way from the homemade shotgun blasts even though they were standing next to him without even going into the fact that this style of homemade shotgun had an extremely high chance of simply exploding in Tetsuya's hands instead of firing any projectiles according to the gun expert in this video who built a replica of the device and field-tested it with disastrous results:

There is a lot of speculation that the "homemade gun" was merely a distraction and that snipers were employed to make the fatal shot. The video above shows how extremely unreliable a homemade gun constructed from ordinary materials can be and it is almost impossible that the "shots" fired from it were the cause of death for Shinzo Abe. I will be bringing you more information about the assassination as it is uncovered so don't forget to follow me for future updates!

Thanks for reading this special edition of On Fiat, Fascism, & Freedom. Don't forget to follow me and subscribe for updates. Did you miss the earlier editions? Part One and Part Two and Part Three are linked here.

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(This article was first published by me on Publish0x and Substack)

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1 year ago
