Do you suffer from forgetfulness and not remembering to do things?So read on

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3 years ago

Are you one of the people who forget a lot for no apparent reason?

Forgetting has become very common these days, as there are a number of conditions, and it is not Alzheimer's alone that causes forgetfulness and memory loss.

Learn the most common problems that lead to forgetfulness.

There are some medications that may cause you to forget as one of their drug complications, such as antidepressants, some types of antihistamines.

Various sleep disorders, such as waking up frequently at night or getting too little sleep, cause many problems, such as fatigue, which in turn affects a person's ability to retrieve information.

Anxiety and intense stress causes difficulties in focusing and paying attention: this may affect the functioning of the memory by preventing it from forming new memories, or retrieving previous memories.

Depression: For example, a person with depression may exhibit several symptoms and signs, including a constant feeling of sadness, and sometimes symptoms of depression may include forgetfulness.

Addiction to alcohol.

Hypothyroidism, which causes memory problems and frequent forgetfulness.

Vitamin B12 deficiency, several factors are needed for proper nerve function. And vitamin B12 is one of the essential vitamins to get this benefit.

Head injuries.

Here we know the causes leading to forgetfulness ... and we pay more attention to our health

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