Bato-bato pick
Have you heard about bato-bato pick?
In English is rock, paper scissors. Many peoples play that games especially the children. Many peoples like that game because it's so funny and when you try it, the feelings is so happy. You emotions is like this🤣🤣.
For those did not know this i will teach you. You need 2 or more peoples. If you are only 2, you and your partner will pick one in paper, scissor,rock. When the 1 of your partner is lose you will give her/his a penalty. The penalty is anything.
As i said, need to pick a 1 in rock paper scissors. The rules is👇👇
Partner l you
Rock paper
The winner is you.
Partner l you
Paper scissors
The winner is your partner
Partner l you
Scissor rock
The winner is you.
Do you know that games? If not read this:
In my country that game is so happy too. You need to have many members and you meed to do is jump in the garter and then, when you feet is not reach the high of the garter, you will pick a 1 of your team and then that member will save you. He/she need to reach it.
You need to have a garter. The shape is circle and there's 2 people in the side and you jump in the garter. First round the garter is in the bottom so it's so easy. 2nd round is in the knee, it's medium for the other but me is hard haha. 3 round is in the hips, its so high but some people can reach that. Some have 4 round, the four round is in the below of your neck. I can't reach that haha
That it for now i will publish more
The photos is in pixabay