Time Management
Everyday, I always make sure I have a list of the tasks I needed to do. I have to manage my time wisely, so I have to make sure that everything is in order and according to what is already planned.
So, by August 24, pretty sure the list thay I have will definitely change. Big adjustments, because on that day I am not just a full time mom but a part time teacher to my kids. Not a big deal for some? But, for me it is. But instead of seeing the negative side of it, I still see the positive it gives.
So as early as 3-4am I should be awake to start my tasks. On my list, probably would be the same tasks but I will insert the time for teaching. Atleast 3 hours in the morning and another 3hours in the afternoon. I have to make sure I follow the time on my list to make sure my tasks will done smoothly. I will be more productive than ever.
Can I do this? Will see.
Hope you like this article. Photo not mine😊
Best of luck to you.