1. Identify and discuss the association of advertising agency.
-The Association of Philippine advertising agencies or (APAA) is the first advertising agency that has been created here in the Philippines. They start from 10 members way back 1956, and start to increase their members in present days; some of their members are the oldest in the field of advertising. Association of the Philippine advertising agencies’ goals are;
● Encourage the consideration and acceptance of advertising as a profession.
- They want to promote advertising in our country, to acknowledge the hard work that advertiser on doing the product, and to recognize the field of advertising worldwide.
● Promote and adhere to ethical principles and practices
- They are the one who filter and critic the advertisement before it is played in its designated platform. To check if the said advertisement is following the ethical standard that is given to them.
● To increase usefulness of the profession to the public at large and make better known to the public the functions performed by advertising agencies.
- They want to promote advertisement in the public. They want to inform them that the
Advertisement is creatively created by advertising firm.
● To promote and foster the continued recognition of the social responsibility of advertising and of advertising agencies.
- They aim to imply social responsibility to their association and its members.
● To help in promotion of the general welfare of the country and to assist in the strengthening of the Philippine economy
- They also aim to contribute to the growth of our economy, and helping the country to promote values and serve as a role model in terms of good manners and right conduct through their videos.
2. Discuss in your own words the definition of advertising agency.
Advertising agencies are group of people that aims to serve client by creating and planning best advertisement for their clients. These agencies are responsible for all advertisement that you see on billboard, magazine, TV, and social media platforms. The main reason that an advertising agency operates despite the fact that anyone can perform the roles of an advertiser is that advertising agencies focus on ensuring consumer purchases by producing efficient advertising that undergoes in-depth studies on all the factors affecting product pricing, product design, and the predetermined budget of the advertisement. Studying the business, product, consumer reviews, and the media to be used were also performed by advertising agencies. Hiring them will somehow minimize the customer's advertisement costs as they would ensure that they do their job efficiently and effectively.
3. What is the importance of having tripartite in business for advertising?
Tripartite in business for advertising is important to bring out the best idea for the client, and execute it as greatly as possible. Having third party who conduct advertising is very helpful to the success of the campaign, alone party can do it, but for me tripartite is the best. There is designated task for everyone, one is for creative thinking or conceptualization for the upcoming advertisement. Another one for production of the advertisement, and another one is for editing. After finishing the ads, it will be posted in different platforms. So that we need another partner. So that in business advertising we really need tripartite, one is the advertising company, second is the client, another one is the platform to be used; whether print or broadcast media. These three really needed if one is absent process it will be difficult for the advertisement to process
4. Is it really important to have an agency-medium relationship?
Yes, because it will become an agreement to which the agent and the media will lay their scope of responsibility and obligations. Their duties will be bound to what they are agreed on. It will serve as proof that whether the agent fails to do their job, it will not be fault of the media, and if the media fails to do its obligation it will not be fault of the agency. This relationship will be focus on what their job is. The amount that the agent gets from its client is not related to the media, but if the agent spends a lot on paying media, there will be no rebate from its client. This relationship is important, it will serve as an agreement, and boundaries between media and agent will be created. They both need to follow what’s on the agreement and do what best for everyone.
5. Who is responsible for advertising a business?
- Marketing managers are the one responsible for the advertising done by the company. His job is to direct a business advertisement and promotional campaigns. They may work for an advertising agency or in a media company that sells space or time. When the idea is created it will be executing through a campaign, after the campaign was made it will be flash to different media platforms. This means that every key person in doing the advertisement has its own responsibility, depending on their participation on the said campaign. Marketing managers are the one responsible on the advertisement of the entire business, advertising is responsible for making the business, and lastly the media is responsible for spreading the ads through different platform therefore; these three key people is responsible for an advertisement.