I was going to write one of my usual critiques of a recent article I came across from the Hill. The title was “Bye-Bye, Bitcoin: It’s Time To Ban Cryptocurrencies,” by a guy named Robert A. Manning. Just to show you how important ole Bob is, this is what he puts at the bottom of his article to show his credentials:
Robert A. Manning is a senior fellow of the Brent Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security at the Atlantic Council. He was a senior counselor to the undersecretary of State for global affairs from 2001 to 2004, a member of the U.S. Department of State policy planning staff from 2004 to 2008 and on the National Intelligence Council strategic futures group from 2008 to 2012. (None of these sound like an actual job to me.)
Now, why am I not going to go point by point on his article and talk about where he is wrong? Well, to be quite honest, I didn’t read it. I skipped it not because it was too long or I had issues with the article. I didn’t read it because this was the first line of the article:
"I’ve never quite understood why cryptocurrencies are worth anything."
The Hill is a popular site with quite a following. How do they let something like this happen? I mean the guy starts his opinion piece by stating he is ignorant on the subject. So, after reading the first line, I jumped to the comments section and I will say that my faith in humanity was restored, quickly. The very first comment was by Typokign (great name) and I can only assume he is a genius and great all around human being. He summed it up in what is my current favorite internet comment of all time.
"I’ve never quite understood why cryptocurrencies are worth anything."
than don't write fking articles on it ya moron.
Other than I think he meant “then” rather than “then,” I don’t have anything to add to this verbal takedown. So you might be asking, “Why did I write an article on this?” Well, because I did go on to spend the better part of an hour reading the comments and, if you have time, I wanted to pass along that you should follow the link below and enjoy a few of them, as well.
Thanks for reading. I will be back to writing my own thoughts next time.