Chinese follow a myth called Feng Shui in their daily life to get prosperity, more love and success.
What is Feng Shui?
Feng shui, also known as Chinese geomancy, is a traditional practice originating from ancient China, which claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. The term feng shui literally translates as "wind-water" in English. Its roots are 5,000 years old. Feng shui seeks to promote prosperity, good health, and general well being by examining how energy, qi, pronounced "chee," flows through a particular room, house, building, or garden.
The craziest fact is China has built 6 cities following Feng Shui rules.
Hangzhou is one of the chinese cities that is made with Feng Shui rules.
To built Hangzhou city, China spent 1 billion dollar!!! Crazy huh?
Photos of Hangzhou City-
There is sun and moon shaped building. Between them, there is a building that indicates 6 people holding hands. They believe these buildings' positive energy will spread to the citizens.
Singapore has made their 1$ coin using Feng Shui rules so that the citizens carrying it gets positive energy.
How do you feng shui your home:
Slow Down the Energy Flow.
Keep Your House Clear of Clutter.
Keep the Path to the Front Door Clear.
Give Guests a Reason to Pause.
Balance the Five Elements.
Remove Negative Symbolism.
Maximize Natural Light.
I don't know it works or not, but you can see these countries are one of the the richest countries in the world. So, you can test this out!
In the conclusion, I believe they are modern prejudices that billion of peoples follow for invisible energy. And we blame our country for having prejudices haha!
wow thank you....i think it will be helpful.......