Being a parent

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3 years ago

From the moment we learn that we will be parents, our life changes completely, starting, that begins a process of assimilation (digest) for the vast majority of premature parents it is difficult to accept and understand that your life has changed at the time he began to be a parent, that is, if you really want to live with your partner and child must then learn new habits, not only that learn to deal with new problems, that perhaps some of these problems are out of their hands and have no choice but to solve as you can ...

I have always said that when you are a parent, we learn that spontaneity becomes our most accurate tool, if you don't believe it? Then you have not been in situations that only our genius is worth to cope with such situations.

Especially when you are a new parent those first months between parent and child that connection begins to develop, I must say that in my case, if I remember I felt very insecure really, I had all kinds of thoughts, almost all those thoughts revolved around my fear of failing as a parent, not being able to do it caused me some anxiety, even sometimes I felt like walking away from certain situations, then, I understood that my fears were only in my mind and that probably nothing bad was going to happen as long as I learned to cope with such situations.

It is no secret that society has made it the woman who carries the child and takes charge, in my case it is me. Who takes my daughter to her events, obviously I also work and serve in the house, with the passing of the days I learned to make not only good father, I also have an excellent relationship with my daughter, so much so that many times she prefers to be by my side than with her mother, haha that fills me with pride and gives me a mouthful of arrogance because I feel that somehow I am what my daughter wants me to be. Your Hero.

Being a father and taking care of our children is something very beautiful I don't understand how certain people (men) move away from their partners when they find out they are going to be a father, I have no words for those people, there is really nothing more beautiful, incredible, wonderful as being able to see every day that child grow from the womb to be already an adult. And even more, to be able to say that my child is a professional. If someone has the modesty to read this article. I hope you don't judge me and don't take me as an example, but I hope you reflect if you are really being a good parent and if you are really dedicating time to your child, not only the material is worth. Also to be able to enjoy and spend time with your children certainly enjoy them. Happy day to you.


By; Ajm

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3 years ago
