Love of angry wife

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4 years ago

uthor: Neel Chowdhury

Tanisha: - Oh, you will not watch Hindi movies .. !!! (said angrily)

Blue: - Why .. ???

Tanisha: - Hindi movie heroines wear bad dress.

Neel: - What will I do after they .. ?? Besides, I like to see ... !! 😁😁🥰 (laughs)

Tanisha: - You are a luchcha, badar, itar, badmash, kutta ,,,,,,,, you will never talk to me. (Tanisha left with a sigh)

My wife Tanisha. Tanisha rules me a lot and tells me when to do what, what to do, what to wear, she has to do everything she wants.

If not, the queen will be angry. Tanisha cares for me a lot. In fact, Tanisha loves me very much.

I said a lot ,,,,, this time I give my identity ,,,, I am Neel Chowdhury. Mother-father's only son. I do a small job. I got married to Tanisha in a family way.

One of my habits is to annoy Tanisha. I like to make Tanisha angry. Summer can be seen on Tanisha's face when she gets angry. I don't like summer again. Still, Tanisha likes to get angry.

Understand that in the above incident ,,,,,, I was actually watching a Hindi movie. At that time, the hero in the movie was hugging the heroine and kissing her. The heroine was wearing short pants ,,,,,,,,,, 🙈 Ha ha ha ,,,,,, I could not understand when Tanisha came in the room. !!!!!

Let's break my wife's anger .. !!!!! I have to go to the office again. So I hugged Tanisha and said ..................................

Neel: - What are you cooking .. ?? (Hugs)

Tanisha: - You will not talk to me. (With a frown)

Neel: - My daughter-in-law looks so cute. 🥰 Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Tanisha: - Cute or ash ,,, you love your Hindi heroine, not me. (Hands out)

Blue: - Sorry ,, Babu .. !!! I will not watch Hindi movies. !! (Holding ears)

Tanisha: - ..................................... (no response)

Blue: - Sorry ,,, Babu .. !!! Babuii ,, forgive me like this time ,,, please .. !!! (Holding ears)

Tanisha: - I can forgive on one condition .. !! (Naughty smile on his face)

Neel: - What condition, Babu .. ?? (Worried)

Tanisha: I have to go for a walk this afternoon. I have to go shopping.

Neel: - I have to go today. ???

Tanisha: - Hmmmmm; Today ,,,,,,,,,,

Blue: - Sorry ,,, Babu ,,,, will not be today. !!

Tanisha: - Why .. ??? (with hand on waist)

Neil: I have an office.

Tanisha: You stay, with your office. You don't love me at all. (Extending the hand from the waist)

Neel: Who says ,,, I don't love my cute daughter ,, Hmm. ??

Tanisha: - I'm leaving ,,,,,,,,,

Blue: - I will not leave. (Hugs tightly)

Tanisha: - Why not leave .. ??

Neel: - I caught my wife ,,, what about you. ??

Tanisha: - Why?

Neel: - Well baby ,,, we will come from the office and go for a walk. (I said with a pappi on Tanisha's cheek)

Tanisha: - Hmmm, let's eat now.

Blue: - Hmmmmm; Come on, honey.

In fact, it's my fault. I can't give time to the madman under the pressure of office work. So maybe the madman is arrogant.

Nah ,,,,, I'm going around with the madman today. I will walk on the side of the road holding the hand of the madman.

Suddenly someone's call broke my thoughts ,,,,,,,,,, I looked and saw the office boss was looking at me .......................... .

Office sir: - What, Mr. Neel, do you remember the wife. ?? (Smiles)

Neel: No sir, nothing. Thus ,,,,,,,,

Office sir: - I understand, I understand, I understand everything. (Says with a laugh)

Neel: - Shit ,,, your gusti sixty ,,,, you understand so much when you leave. ?? (I muttered)

Office Sir: - Mr. Neel said something. ??

Blue: - No sir, nothing.

Sir of the office: - You have said something, you can tell me there is no problem.

Neel: - Damn, if I tell you what I said, then there will be no more jobs. (I said to myself)

Office Sir: - Thinking of something. ??

Neel: - Actually my sir ................

Office sir: - I need leave, right? (Takes the word away)

Blue: - Yes, sir. (I said softly)

Office Sir: - Well, you can go now if you want.

Neel: - What did you say sir. ?? (Surprised)

Office Sir: - You can go now if you want.

Neel: - Really, sir. ???

Office sir: - Hmmmmm.

Blue: - Thank you sir. (Rain without clouds or ashes, smiling in my mind)

Office sir: - Hmmmmmmm.

After coming home and ringing the calling bell a few times, the madman opened the door. I then looked at the madman with a smile ........................... 6

Tanisha: What are you looking at like this? (Frown)

Blue: - Who are you .. ?? (Yes)

Tanisha: - What .. ???? (Surprised)

Neel: - No, I don't know you .. !! Are you a fairy or not .. ?? (pretending not to know)

Tanisha: Hmmmmm, fairy. (Smiles)

Neel: - Will you be my fairy. ?? My wife is not like a petni. Hee hee hee hee ,,, 😁😁 (with a naughty smile)

Tanisha: - What did I say. ???? I am Petni .. ??? (With his hands on his hips, widening his eyes)

Blue: - Sorry ,,,, Sorry ,,,, Sorry ,,,,, I will not say again .. !!!! (I pulled the madman to my chest, when the madman got angry, I was finished)

Tanisha: - I am not your wife. Don't call me Babu. (Trying to shake hands)

Will continue ,

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4 years ago


Very helpful for me

$ 0.00
4 years ago

good article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Indeed wife in angry but she loves you beacuse wife is loyalty truthful in love with you nice article dear

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The angry woman heart is always pure. They never cheat their husband. They love husband much

$ 0.00
4 years ago