Not doing the right that you know is sin

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3 years ago

Delaying the good we can do now till some other time is evil in the sight of the Lord. Proverb 13:12 says "hope differed makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life".

So if the Bible frowns against knowing the right thing to do and not doing it at the right time, it shows that not doing what we know is right at all is more grievous. Half obedience is not Obedience, it is Disobedience. Likewise, delayed obedience is Disobedience and all disobedience is a sin. King Saul lost his throne because he was trying to help God think. What he did was a completeact of disobedience when God ask him to destory everything, but he felt he could keep very fat and healthy sheep for sacrifice to God. Therefore, as children of God, you know you have the capacity to help a desperately needy member of your congregation and the spirit of the Lord lay it in your heart, do it! Do not rationalise situation and issue for God because He is all knowing.๐Ÿ˜‡

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