Google Remove 106 Malicious Chrome Extensions From it Webstore

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Google announced today that they have removed 106 malicious extensions from chrome store that steals sensitive user information. This chrome extension was part of a 111 batch that was described in a recent study published as dangerous. Awake Protection, a cybersecurity agency, claims that all extensions were built by the very same hacker in the risk. 

Hackers Review was presented with the progress position of all extension by Harry Denley. At the time of write, only  106  Extension has been removed.

This extension could as well has read text in  clipboard, grant it self access to view user passwords and can even take screenshots without the user having knowledge about it. 

 All malicious extensions on chrome browser are automatically disabled by Google. Visit chrome:/extensions page and remove them if you have previously installed it.

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This is a good development for better cyber security the world over. Cyber security is very important.

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