10 Points for Radical Transparency> Radical Privacy; a means for achieving individual liberty

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4 years ago

For whatever reason, we are extremely susceptible to false dichotomies, when inevitably, damn near everything exists on a spectrum. That said, the extremes inform the means. So pontificating on the extreme ends of two points, can land us in an optimal middle, and traverse the landscape, allowing for each individual to make an informed decision on the basis of their unique situation.

To bring alive the spectrum and build the landscape, here is my view of it...

Radical Privacy

Radical Privacy I view as basically living alone in a mountain somewhere. Being an unidentified souls, pursuing your own ends for truth itself, and using a pseudonym, if any consistent name at all, as a medium for connecting with others. This can be an intoxicating choice for some, not unlike a Guy Fawkes like figure, but is certainly not for everyone. But even this, there is a conjured identity, so it's only private insofar as there is not a link to your Gov't ordained identity, which the Radical Privateers out there would label as terrible OpSec, bc in the event of a compromise, there is a single thread between you and all the acts done under that identity. Thus, a Radical Privateer would abolish an public identity entirely, and be at peace with no accreditation. Personally, I view this end of the spectrum similar to the sentiment expressed from the movie Into the Wild...

Radical Transparency

Radical Transparency... I struggle to find a real world example of the ultimate extreme, as privacy is such a foundational and obvious principle of human life & dignity. We all understand how vital it is to have a certain amount of privacy within our lives. Privacy represents a place for us to be free. Explore "forbidden" thoughts without fear of judgement or consequences. In privacy, we become in touch with our inner soul, our being, our spirit, and can subsequently cultivate that. This is THE means to enlightenment. One can only find oneself in stillness & the absence of distraction & stimuli. Hence the commonality of most spiritual practicing requiring long periods in solitude for meditation. I feel this is the peril of our modern age, and has led to the NPC meme, and has been coined as #TheDimAge (credit Vin Armani).

The world is filled with drones being surreptitiously programmed via words (see emotive conjugation), completely lacking the capability of critical independent thinking. The Gov't Indoctrination Camps are cultivating emotive decision-making, virtues of collectivism over individualism, and obedience over righteousness. ALL THAT SAID, the most resonate real world case I can come up with for Radical Transparency is the archetype of the overly zealous & naive religious nut, or maybe even the hippy. One who claims to have been contacted by their Lord or some higher power, operating on a premise of absolute certainty & security, and just shares everything accordingly, as its seen as his duty for carrying such an important message, or even lack thereof... I think we can all agree on how off-putting this is, but inevitably this person WILL impact people and find resonate souls to join him, which serves to embolden & protect his message and mode of operating. But we all see this as definitely not normal and not desirable. Being a martyr is a cheap & easy way out of doing the hard work of first figuring out what YOU want, as well as cheap & easy to discount everything as unimportant in a bid for absurdist nihilism. Hence the solitude & meditation I mentioned before, and why we see so few people do it, as it's deeply uncomfortable to confront & embrace the majestic power of our essence.

And that, more or less, is my view of the landscape. Now that it has been laid-out, here are the points that have inspired my journey towards implementing the Radical Transparency, in my desire to see humanity prosper under the conditions of liberty...

10 Points for Practicing Radical Transparency in the quest for Individual Liberty

  1. "He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression." - Thomas Paine

This is the seeming paradox, and the monumental wedge dividing the Minarchist & the Anarchist. The dichotomy of achieving worthwhile individual liberty, via the collective. The paradox of individual liberty being a public good doesn't need to touch any variation of the common toxic arguments for the "public good" we so often here from both power hungry psychopaths, & moral elitist busybodies...


It is in your selfish best interest to invest in the liberty of your neighbors. This is what fuels the Founding Fathers idea of a militia (common citizens oath to bear arms & protect the individual within a community against threats both foreign & domestic). One way to combat the common man's proclivity to vote, is to empower and inspire them with this decaying mode of thinking. If you TRULY believe in individual liberty, for yourself and others, the way to achieve this MUST be through Radical Transparency, but this is where the nuance comes in. It is one thing to volunteer your beliefs to the world via the internet. It's a completely different thing to selectively reveal it, with intent & purpose, to those who MATTER. AKA your neighbors. SPECIFICALLY in person. This is one of the STRONGEST signals for liberty you can emit, as it is actually costly! It costs nothing to blast a message on social media to your network. Knocking on their door, shaking their hand, and expressing your intention to protect them in the face of threats, both foreign & domestic, in the event that SHTF?!?! Think about how powerful that is. And there is NO BETTER TIME TO DO THIS than now! As government agents, as well as rioters, two collectives/mob groups that represent credible dangers to your individual liberty & livelihood? It's well know for centuries that Gov't uses fear to control us, and by way of aikido, we can channel that fear which has already been fostered, to better utilize that driving force for GOOD, instead of letting it yield submission to Government. As we know, with any good lie, it comes from a seed of truth, so it is futile to directly combat & qwell this fear, rather embrace it. I'm speaking in generalities, and obviously for some, this may not even be worth it, and just showering them with love from undeniable energy of a free spirit (don't hate the sinner, hate the sin), and open that line of communication for liberty, and plant that thought of liberty & individual empowerment, is a revolutionary act. It is an egotistical act of futility to dig your feet in the ground, shame them, and believe that this will change their mind. It takes some sense to recognize this own attitude in others, but you do not want to waste your own time, but you also do not want to damage the cause further than it already has been damaged in their own head & belief system. The medium is also the message. Display grace, don't take it personally, & show the power of your philosophy through this act of dignity & non-judgement. Be a good steward of the message. And try not to fake this. People do have a keen sense for dishonesty. Again, to act this way in earnest, the belief of don't hate the sinner, hate the sin, has done wonders for my happiness & peace of mind. The philosophy of liberty is one of grace, & tolerance of opinions & freedom of expression, albeit intolerant of aggression onto the free practice thereof. Some people are beyond saving.

It's also worth noting, that this is a deeply uncomfortable proposition. It is weird to talk to your neighbor in these highly individualized & materially wealthy times. Where do you even begin? How do you break the ice? How do you go about messaging this intention?

To these questions, to continue on the theme of "Radical", I would use Radical Honesty here. Honesty being the crucial. It may be ugly & uncomfortable at first, but with practice & experience, you'll become more tactful with your messaging and approach. It's highly variable with each individual, and honesty should be the driving force of the conversation. Always. Nobody wants to talk to a robot, and feel they are getting sold something. There is no need to feel bad about approaching, it is not only for, but obviously for them as well. It is a mutually beneficial interaction!

That said, my idea of such a conversation, in a suburb setting, would go as follows;

"Hi, my name is Bob, I live down the street. I just wanted to open a line of communication with some of the people of the neighborhood, and try to create a network to ensure each others safety/liberty/prosperity during these turbulent times. I am a huge believer in community & being responsible for looking after it as a member. In that effort, I wanted to let you & others know my intention to help in my capacity & make myself available to you. So if you need anything, help with yard work, need some tools, advice on XYZ, which I have expertise, or just want to vent or have a discussion partner, please reach out. Here is my business card. It would be an honor to help in any way."

An even easier method, would be to just go to the local church! This acts as a natural medium for conversation, and a great setting for getting to know the people of the community.

For an apartment? Maybe a more youthful crowd of young professionals? Just bring a boutique alcoholic beverage & ask if they want to hang for a bit, as you are making an attempt to get engaged with the community/neighborhood.

And that is all for this edition.

So I challenge you with this; perform this for just ONE such neighbor/community-member this week. The easiest person you can think of. A true friend doesn't count, but maybe someone you've interacted with before and feel comfortable talking to. And follow this same process once per week. Build momentum, and build your network. Freedom starts locally!

Let me know your thoughts and feedback in the comments! I will be serializing this, hence only one point provided. I got carried away with the topic. Be on the lookout for Point #2, and subscribe to get updated on its release. (PS; please dont comment useless bot-like message in an attempt to get a piece of the read.cash fund. Only high quality engagement please! Others will be downvoted. I'd rather have negative feedback than useless non-actionable nonsense.)

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Avatar for SeanBallard
4 years ago



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4 years ago

Nice article

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4 years ago

Privacy is needed for mind refreshing and recreating new ideas

$ 0.00
4 years ago

If the radical privacy is not curtailed or monitored, a long term depression as a result of isolation is imminent

$ 0.00
4 years ago

want to learn more and more about it 😊😊😁

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4 years ago

Good article

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

Great article..please visit my article too and subscribe me also

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4 years ago

nice.. like me

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User's avatar Taj
4 years ago

Woww nice article pllz sub me

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4 years ago

Wow nice article pllz sub me

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4 years ago

Very good

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4 years ago

That's a nice topic. Thanks for sharing

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4 years ago

very epic topic...I subscribed you please subscribe back

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

Wow best of the article plz back me subscribe

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4 years ago

Wow best of the article plz back me subscribe

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I have subscribed check on me too and subscribe back

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4 years ago

Very good

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4 years ago

thanks for the great article like this keep posting

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4 years ago

Nice article

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4 years ago

Thanks for sharing this a very informative article and i really like it on how to build relationship with your neighbors its just like Overwatch movie and if you have time please subscibe back thanks advance πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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4 years ago

Wow best of the article plz back me subscribe

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4 years ago

Thanks for sharing 10 points for practicing radical transparency in the achieving individual liberty a very informative article if you have time please subscibe back thanks in advance πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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4 years ago

To good

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4 years ago

Thanks for information

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4 years ago


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4 years ago

nice article bro❀️

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4 years ago

Thanks for sharing a 10 Points for Practicing Radical Transparency in the quest for Individual Liberty

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4 years ago

youre not doomed to a downvote. i invite you to actually read the article! I'd value your feedback

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4 years ago

read the last sentence

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4 years ago