The Broken days

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Avatar for Sche-shang
2 years ago

Submission is very hard when you have this kind of feelings like, pride, hatred, selfishness and negative thoughts like doubts, and fear. Why? Some of the marriages are broken now a days. Easy to give up? When there is problem they can't control there emotions they will become so wild. One time i have a Friend they married for almost 5 years, they have their children that needs more attention from their parents. After the 5 years of marriage they got broken? Is there any third party about thier marriage? Or they dont have love? Or the marriage certificate is expired already? Is the marriage certificate has an expiration? I don't think about these? When you are married to a person you love there is no expiration about these.

Being a woman it is a dream to marry and to have a good partner in life. But sad to say not all good choice to have the right one. Most of the asian country they don't practice divorce, but the sad story is they practice broken relationship. The moment you marry a person it so overwhelming and excited. But the moment they encounter biggest problems that they can't carry on they decided to broke it. How about the children they left? Most of my students before in highschool as I've heard their story, most of their family got broken. They just survive for a reason to live everyday. How about thier future without parents who are there to lean on?

As my student shared to me there inner pain. I never choose to become thier children, but they choose me to become thier child, but after all they left me. My parents broke there relationship in just instant. As this guy shared his story, where is my loving parents before they met, they commit to love each other, but they hate each other now? Where is my justice in my side? As my student shared to me? He really cry and cry and all of the students cried also. I try to comfort him just focus on your dreams believing your not alone in this world, you have your friends and classmates to lift you up. But the boy told me but i need my parents whom i can trust with all my heart. But they left me!! As he say why they choose me to live? And then they just separated? I just close my eyes and say we don't know there reasons. They have there own choice and we can't control that reason behind their motives.

Broken heart, broken marriages are so rampant, not just in asia pacific, but in western pacific also. People hurts, children hurts. With or without a reason just they broke easily. Like a glass if it is broke it is very hard to fix. We can say there is a chances but the trust never sweet as before.

Long ago the people before they are motivated to love, they have the pure commitment woth one another, if they problems they survive for it. They don't want there family be broken, they fix every problem they encounter.

Some wise advise:

1. Wife submit to your husband

2. Husband love your wife

When a wife submitted to his husband there is no problem about that. And loving husband committed to love there is no problem about that. If the advise is true why they choose to broke easily there relationship. It is hard to understand the advise? Or there is pride to both people why they choose to be broken? And they left there children broken also.

Children hurt when there parents separated, a woman hurts when she separated to her husband, man hurts when he separated to his wife. And why we choose to be hurt? Why choose the peace and love. We have all choices whether it is good or bad, we have the right to choose.

Some will say never give up on that! It is easy to give up than to stay a person who are cheating with someone.

Some will say fix your problem, so the children will not be affected. It is easy to fix because children will understand later.

Some will say, fight for your love for him and for her, it is easy give up than fighting your love with nothing.

Some will say it is be okay soon, it is easy to give up than to choose not to be okay for now, than it is not to be okay to forever.

Some will say, don't find someone unless he can find the one, it is easy not to find the one than having the person that you cannot meant to be.

Don't find a perfect man or a perfect woman, just pray the owner of a heart to meet your heart desires. Sometimes we can't control our emotions, we just easily give our best. And nothing wring with that as long as you find the true meaning of love, and go for it.

Just love and don't be afraid of anything else, as long as you are trusted and full of confidence, knowing that you ask the owner of the hearts.

Emotionally broken when someone hurt your feelings.the moment you commit a relationship, the moment your are happy, the moment you are not committed ot start the brokenness deep within.

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Avatar for Sche-shang
2 years ago
