Memory and Forgetting.
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4 years ago
Memory was one of the first phenomenona to be studied in a psychological laboratory. Memory is a term used to label the way facts are impressed, retained and later recalled while forgetting is a failure to retain what was learned. Forgetting alsi refers to the extent that learned materials are lost. Without memory, there can be no learning. On the other hand, if there were no learning there is nothing to remember. Learning may be thought of as building up memories for future use, and memory is the storage and retrival of this information. Evidence for memory can be found in different task like recall, recognition involves differentation of the familiar from the unfamiliar. Relearning is an attempt to regain material or a skill that has been partially or completely lost.
Memory is very important to every mankind, what if you loss your memory? What if you can't remember the very very important things? You lost? I lost? A very embarrasing moment when my account i forgot the password? What shall i do because i have a memory loss? I can can't remember all those things, i can't sleep whole night because i forgot my account ang icant retrieve anymore? I just cry and cry! And then my memory really loss! My important account is loss also because i suffer my memory!
Memory is very important to us, in just one circumstances everything is loss. Is there any connection about my physical operation? Im a mother of three via Cesarean section,is ther any connection with this matter? That will affect my memory? No one will help me? Because my memory is loss?
I can't explain my feelings? I can't understand my feelings? I can't retrieve my account all my money and my account is loss also! This is my learning now! I need to write everything i needed! Memory please come back? When you forgot something everything is loss also!
Retention or remembering should be improved and forgetting prevented. Improvement in retention comes through improved methods of fixating the material and through practice in recall.
Correct performance from yhe start and guidance may be necessary to bring about improvement, to prevent forgetting, a knowledge of the causes of forgetting will be helpful.
Theories of forgetting- why can't we recall everything that happened to is during the fourth, fifth, or tenth year of our life?
A. Passive Decay through disuse- this assumes that lapsr of time is responsible for forgetting. When something is learned and used repeatedly, it is remembered, but when it is not used, it is forgotten.
B. Inference effects- interference of present learning with what has been previously learned leads to forgetting.
C. Absence of adequate stimulation- Most often we are unable to recall some event in the past because the appropriate stimuli are abseny. Then suddenly, we are able to recall the event because of a particular odor, name or other stimulus. Subjects are also aided in recall when they are brought to the scene of the experience or are asked to recall incidents under the same conditions where the original experience occured.
D. Obliteration of the memory trace- one is the effect of emotional shock.
E. Motivated forgetting-when we try to forget an unpleasant experience but are not completely successful,and when one had convenietly forgotten some unpleasant obligation.
Memory and forgetting is just something we are limited as a person. We have limitations even our memory will loss forever. Memory and forgetting thought me to write everything!
Sche-Shang here
Stay blessed 💞
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Written by
4 years ago
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