Did you try joining the contest? Every player has the goal to win! To win,to win! Before the game scheduled every player must practice, practice and practice. Every player must have a strong and healthy physically,emotionally, psychologically. Every player has the same goal.
Every player must finish the race and achieve the goal to win. But how about you loose the game for several times? Did you say your a looser for being a player? You never win even once because every player has the same goal to win! Joining the contest but you never win. And then later on you will realize we will give up now? Giving up is the easiest way of your decision? Give up,give up! We will never join the contest or join the game anymore?
You feel sad,lonely,bored, empty, discouraged etc. Physically not fit, emotionally down, Phycologically not good. How can you fight for this?
But remember you have the goal to achieve? How can you achieve your goals to win? Years and years past! you practice again and again,over again and again. You join again the contest and you Win and you become famous Your name be known to every nation.
You become proud of yourself, lots of money, friends,you live in a luxurious life, expensive car,business arise, you become so proud. And you forget every thing as long as you are happy and enjoying lots of money. But the wheel is round.
You join again the contest you become the Winner. Money again,fame,all is yours you become so proud of anything of yourself. But there is one reminder. You drive your luxurious car and accidentally its just one nap you and your family is in the hospital. You become comatose for a month your wife is dead and your kids is died also. How about you now?
Thanks a lot