Ethics and its Foundation

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4 years ago

Every process or activity, every human undertaking must presuppose something already existing, something as a basis on which and with to start. Man does not lay a foundation either in building a house or in making judgements and inferences. There is always something on which the superstructure must rest, something yo serve as a basis or foundation.

The foundation of a building is the ground on which it stands, the foundation of a conclusion in an argument is the premise from which it is derived, that of science or philosophy is a principle or a set of principles or facts which are clearly perceived. The science of astronomy presupposes but does not prove the existence of stars, it studies the stars, it does not make them. Mineralogy presupposes the existence of minerals which it studies but does not create. Crystallography without crystals, thermodynamics without heat, anatomy without any human body to anatomize would not only be absurd but downright impossible.

Since science is a structure of knowledge, it must not rest on shifty and sandy foundations mere theories and hypothesis, but must be grounded on a granite rock of well established facts and principles. These well established principles of science, which serve as foundation of a science is what we term postulates. These are to be distinguished from the so called hypothesis of science which through highly probable are not yet proved, and therefore await further verification. A science based on more theories or hypothesis is not properly called science. For science is a body of truths as well established facts and principles, properly coordinated and systematized. But how can a body of knowledge really be strong if founded on shaky, uncertain premises? The chain cannot be stronger than its weakest link, the structure cannot be stronger be stronger than its Foundation.

Ethics, like any other science, has its postulates it takes for granted certain basic principles whose truth are clearly and universally percieved as a matter of universal concious experience, that there is a different between right and wrong, and that therefore there are actions which man should ought to do and some actions which he should do or ought to perform, that thean is responsible for his actions, and that if he does wrong he deserves to be punished.

We have different kinds of foundation and also ethics. Because we have a different cultures, language,and different characteristics. Some parents are very strict for their children and some are not strict for their kids.

Can we consider it, Its a choice of every individual because we are unique and special.

Because of all the sciences and ethics of the foundation somewhat realize us the importance of it.

We must our strong foundation to our Almighty. Because ethics will follow. We are founded our faith,love, emotions, and feelings. No matter what lies ahead you already know yourself. Science and technology plus everything its nothing. When you are not founded the true foundation were you are in.

Sche-Shang here

Stay blessed 💞

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4 years ago
