Best Values!

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4 years ago

Values are the elements of life prevailing in any so society. They lie at the core of man's life.they color his choice. They shape and determine an individual's or groups decision to like or dislike, favor or disfavor, change or not to change. Thus knowledge of people's values, including thier orientation and preferences, will guide planners, policy makers and change agents in the planning and implementation of responsive development programs. Equipped with such know how they can evoke maximum affirmative public response. But even if the person's order of values is revealed only in and through participating with his acts, the order of values revealed by this participation must be distinguished from the acts themselves. We also say that value is anything that appeals to us in any way.

These are the objects of feelings.

  1. There are positive and negative values.

  2. Values create an atmosphere,hence we say a sense of values.

  3. Values are of diverse types.

  4. Values trancends facts

  5. Values clamot for existence or realization.

  6. Man experiences a certain order of values.

Phenomenology of moral values a description of moral insights into a moral experience shows there is awareness of the difference between right and wrong and moral experience cannot be reduced to other han experiences there is a must quality it is expected and demanded that everyone be moral we experience an ought in doing good and avoiding evil yet we are free to do good or evil. When we speak of and judge others, we distinguish between the hero and the villain in myths, history, in everyday experience, we praise some and blame others.we contrast the hero and the rascal, the faithful and the unfaithful husband.

Characteristics of Moral Values

  1. A value becomes moral because it is recognized as a reasonable and freely chosen by a human person.

  2. Moral values are pre- eminent over other human values.

  3. Moral values are absolute independent of other values and preferred for their own sake.

  4. Moral values are universal and necessary for everyone friendship remains a value to all even if the friend is a rascal.

  5. Moral values are obligatory they ought to be realized and cannot be postponed.

Values is not simply the good but is an added aspect of the good. There is but is an added aspect of the good. There is in our experience an order of moral values which cannot be reduced to other human values of our experience. Good and moral values makes a man through his han actions good simply as a human person. We can simply know about the order of values in which moral and religious values claim the highest place.

Given and intentional feeling a value is immediately felt in experience before its ibject is known.are given to the intentional feeling immediately it means we uave emotions and we value it. You have a good character, you are friendly, not boastful, you are influential this is relational feeling.

  1. Sensible values- this is corresponds to sensible feeling with its function of enjoyment and suffering and to the feeling states of sensible pleasure and pain. In every modality there are values of things, values of function and values of state. Although among different people and organisms the values of the agreeable and disagreeable appear in different manifestations in something can be agreeable to 9ne organism and not for anothet we can say higher value and lower value

  2. Values of life- the values of this modality range the noble to the vulgar or also from the good excellent able to the bad not wvil consecutive values of this modality are those pertaining to the general well being. Corresponding states of this modality are those pertaining to the general well being susch as those of health, disease, states of aging feeling of forthcoming death, weakness and strength.

  3. Spiritual values- reveal their peculiar as a modality bt the evidence that vital values ought to he sacrificed for them they are given in spritual feeling and spiritual acts of preferring the love and hatred of the human person.

  4. The value of holiness- the value modality of the holy and unholy appear only with objects pertaining to the absolute. All objects of the sphere of the absolute belong to these values. Such as independent of what at different times was held to be holy.states of feeling are those of blissfulness and despair.consecutive value are thosr of things of value in cults, sarcament forms of worship, etc. We value them and we honor th most of all we give respect the value of each beliefs and individual.

Value is enduring when ability to exist througj time belongs to its essence. To its essence it kust be emphasized to distinguish endurance from good to which this vakue may refer. Also good persists in time. Endurance with respect to values.

Values are higher the less they are divisible. The value of beautiful is not divided up by the number of onlookers and can be shared to much larger degree than values of extensive goods.

Value is higher the less it is dependent on another value. Value is agreeable is based in vital values for instance that for health, which is felt by a living being in its vital not sensory sphere.

Value is higher or deeper if it yields satisfaction or inner fulfillment as in the peaceful possession of a thingof value. When all striving is silent or has occurred at all.

Sche-Shang here

Stay blessed 💞

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4 years ago
