You don’t have to worry. Here’s a quick guide for you to start smoking a cigar like a pro!
If you read this, it's pretty clear that you ordered your first cigar. Congratulations, you're joining a culture that will thrill you every day that's going on. Forget the old stereotype of a fat imperialist who keeps a bag of money and smokes the best acid cigar. It doesn't exist anymore. With the rapid development of social networks, the picture could not be further from reality.
Smoking a cigar can be a terrifying and intimidating experience. If you're a novice or an amateur, you'll quickly learn that specific errors can be made that can limit your experience.
No matter your degree of familiarity with flavored cigars, you will always be shocked by cryptic rules and stickers. It can be very hierarchical in some circles, and it's easy to be frowned upon for doing something that others deem to be bad taste.
Know what cigar to buy.
You might think buying a cigar is just an instinct to believe, but the cigar brands you see next to the cash registers in the bins are not healthy. It would be best if you stored flavored cigars at the correct temperature and humidity, which is why tobaccoists who know what they're doing trap them in the damp.
Get the first cigar at a nearby tobacconist; you're going to get a better quality product and hopefully some helpful advice. Don't go for a full-power cigar—you're not going to be able to do it on the first try. Anything moderate or medium-bodied would be best if you weren't overloaded.
Cut the cigar right.
First of all, use your cigar cutter of choice, though we recommend guillotine) cut or open it at the head of the cigar – the closed-end, aka, the section you place between your lips. Do this over or at the seam you'll see on your shoulder. You can also choose to do this at the sloping part of your head. When you cut a cigar, if you miss it too deep below the seam, the whole cigar might unravel, so be careful where you cut it.
Place the cigar on your lips until you light it and draw through it. It needs to draw smoothly. If not, it's too closely rolled, or consider making a somewhat more significant cut to admit more air. But again, don't cut it too deep, so you don't want the wrapping to come off.
Light the cigar up.
moment cigar brands stop being fun for some reason, stop. So far, we've had lots of flavored cigars, and some we love before our fingers are charred, and some we put on the first puffs because they're just wrong. When you're smoking it, strive to break it into three-thirds, as individual cigars grow in taste in one-third.
No matter what you use, begin by keeping the cigar in your hands and bringing the tip above the flame. Aficionados will warn you that sticking it directly in the blaze destroys the taste, but you really won't feel the difference as a novice. Only do everything you need to do to light up the damn thing—but don't buff it out yet. You want to burn the end of "prime" tobacco before you put it in your mouth. Spin it around as you light up to make sure you have an equal flame, and as soon as you can see that orange shimmer, you're ready to buff.
Smoke it by inhaling and breathing it out.
Once a whiff of smoke begins to coil up, put the cigar in your mouth and puff it softly while you proceed to rotate the cigar over the tip of the flame without causing the love to contact the cigar. When you puff up, you can finally see the flame light up, and the cigar's foot ignites. Continue to spin the cigar until the whole foot is glowing. You're ready to chill on your cigar right now.
Remember, a cigar has never been inhaled. The smoke is sipped, like a good wine, and softly breathed out, leaving all the taste on the palate.
Smoke the cigar as long as it tastes good and set it down like a gentleman.
Does that feel great? Keep on smoking. Don't you think that's amazing anymore? Leave the cigar on the ash and leave. That's it. Don't let someone else convince you why you can keep smoking. It's your cigar, and you need to enjoy it before you feel like it. Some say you need to smoke before the ash reaches the band. Others say you're going to smoke it before you sear your fingers. We're saying: smoke your cigar and enjoy it. The moment cigar brands stop being fun for some reason, stop. So far, we've had lots of flavored cigars, and some we love before our fingers are charred, and some we put on the first puffs because they're just wrong. When you're smoking it, strive to break it into three-thirds, as individual cigars grow in taste in one-third.
When you're about to put your cigar down, place it in the middle of the ashtray and let it go by itself. Don't crack your best acid cigar against the ashtray as it produces a potent smell in the room. If you just set it down, it's going to go out in an odorless and excellent way.
It's going to take you a few cigars to feel relaxed smoking. Still, it's worth it—and if you avoid a few crucial missteps, as described above, you'll hopefully get enough satisfaction from the experience to keep smoking. There are several excellent quality cigars built for all budgets that make great smoke for beginners. Get to know the cigar brands world, too—there are some beautiful people out there who can introduce you to new cigars, help you master the art, and change your life in many other ways. Good luck and enjoy the best acid cigar!