#107 Empty Pocket

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Avatar for ScarletDoll
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Blog, Experiences, Story, ...

Due to my daily expenses I ended up having an empty pocket right now. I need to grind more each day with my side hustles online as my work doesn't cover up all my financial needs. This is the sad reality even you were working continuesly, you will end up having nothing in your pocket after paying the monthly bills and budgeting your money left for daily expenses.

Actually I wanted to cry right now. I don't know what else solution I can think about in order to solve each of my financial problems. I am very sorry for ranting my problems here, but atleast I can tell it here to lessen my bad feelings. I do believe in the saying "Mahirap maging mahirap", in english it was "It's harder when you are poor".

I feel like waking up each day looking for means to survive my daily expenses. I am in the point where I don't have any plans at all. My mind is empty just like my pocket. Stress, anxiety and deppression attacks me badly. I can't focus well on my work and other important tasks.

This is the reality of life that no matter how hard working you were if the situation doesn't cooperate with you then all your efforts are worthless. How I wish I could go back in time in my childhood days where my problem only is to play and eat.

Adulting is the most difficult stage of human life as challenges do come continuesly and unexpectedly. I am asking for your motivation and inspiration my dear friends, please help me lift up my mood and energy in order to overcome these problems I am facing right now.

I don't want to give up and loose my hope in having new opportunities to have a better lifestyle. I maybe at my worst right now but I promise I will step up to do something to change my life situation. I am praying that no matter what there would be a door that would open and offer me opportunities.

This article I have written now is not so interesting but if you still read it and understand my situation then I appreciate that. Thank you all for listening to me. Hoping for the best days to come sooner or later.

(Images are from Unsplash)

$ 0.03
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @zulfrontado
Avatar for ScarletDoll
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Blog, Experiences, Story, ...


Adulthood is hard, you start to make your life, you get more responsibilities, and you start fighting for your goals. I'm 26 years old, I get it.

You could say that the situation is difficult depending on the country where you live. But, it is a mistake, all the countries were hit by the pandemic, and this somehow affected the economic aspect.

What I want to tell you with this is that you are not alone, there are many young adults going through it, so we understand you.

In fact, a few days ago I felt very bad, I thought that I could no longer install whatsapp, which would make it very difficult for me to study at the university.

I got desperate because I don't have the means to buy a new one. But, I decided to wait, be patient and think of simple solutions. Always with a cool head.

There will always be moments where you get very stressed, but don't let that moment drag on. Breathe, and think of solutions. If not, rest, they will come to your mind.

Also remember to always seek God's help. He will reveal to you what you need.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

An empty pocket may lack material wealth, but it can still be rich in resilience, creativity, and the potential for new beginnings. Sometimes, life's most valuable lessons come from moments of simplicity. 🌱💫

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You were right also about that.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is the voice of my heart really.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I understand your struggles, and it's tough to face financial difficulties. Keep pushing forward, stay motivated, and explore new opportunities. You're not alone in this journey. Stay hopeful, and remember, every challenge is a chance for growth.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hope we will overcome this challenge.

$ 0.00
1 year ago