What does it mean to a person to have Trust Issues?

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Avatar for Sayote-Kun
3 years ago
Topics: Trust, Friends, Self, Growth

"In Contact ... There Is Always A Sincere Purpose And The Rest Is Perfect Betrayal". ~ Quote

It is also said and widely believed that "Trust" is the key element for any relationship. When trust is broken and betrayed a person is broken and heartbroken. As a result it becomes difficult rather impossible to trust anyone again. The only way to be sure that you can trust someone is to trust that person. While that is true, there are certainly facts that people who are unreliable almost always show up, which can help you mitigate the damage that can be caused.

What I have seen and realized over the years, either being with childhood friends or working with countless people in the profession is that there is no importance in a relationship and still lack trust.

The obvious truth is that if you do jobs and establish relationships with trusted people, you will be able to cope with almost any storm. By the same token, if you were unlucky enough to get into an intimate ferry with someone you could not trust, even a gentle breeze would be enough to break the relationship boat.

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Psychologists say that the first emotional bond we all form in relationships is trust. From birth, we look for patterns of consistency that provide a reliable way to interpret the turmoil of the world. It is more than promoting comfort and familiarity. It is a deeply rooted, programmed survival mechanism.

Molding shapes our earliest relationships and in the formative years we learn how to use trust to keep the relationship going. With that in mind, you can easily see how these conscious bonds can create lasting values ​​that reinforce the importance of trust or teach us how to trust the game to get what we want.

However, the selfish aspect of trust is in each of us. And it's okay as long as we reciprocate the acceptance we receive. But when you find that others are unreliable, you lose confidence in the value of trust. If you do not deserve them, they do not deserve you. It is only because trust is so close to our thoughts that it is very difficult to change. Let me be a bit dull and vocal, people are either trustworthy or they are completely deceptive. It does not mean they are good or bad. It just means you can’t put your trust in what they said or what they promised.

As we all remember as children swear to someone just to secretly break the promise and then it makes sense to say, "But I just told someone else". Well, it is surprising how the same behavior occurs in adults. , when agreed upon (and in the absence of any prohibited or illegal activity), is a sacred relationship. This one to me can not negotiate. When a person breaks a promise of confidentiality, there is no second chance because that person has already shown a desire to gain the favor of others who are greater than him or respect them.

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By the way, it is incredibly easy to choose this one because inevitably these people will share things with you that you can say are told to them with the confidence of others. You can be sure that if they did it to someone else, they would do the same to you. There is no hope for trust where there is no respect for confidentiality or secrecy. It seems interesting that many people in relationships are friendships, love, professional bonds and family. I can’t help but feel a bit sad because my lack of trust in friendship and so on is so debilitating that I have long since given up.

Now I have no friends. It doesn’t mean they don’t exist, they do, but the brutal deception and infidelity, which I have to endure is not trying and reviving me, especially promoting new acquaintances.

The circle of friends and others around me is not because of love and respect or the habits that unite being a friar but their bond is really based on the desire to reap personal benefits from my position and position .

I do not want to reveal, who I am and what profession I am associated with but all I can say is, I am a true friend until the end and ask for nothing in return except, I do not want to be hurt and they used but they literally did what I wanted not they do. However, I do not try to describe myself as an angel though, nor claim to be a rinse of milk and honey, but the truth is, I have always tried hard to fix others that I did not care to endanger my professional career.

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I really did not give myself enough time to heal that I allowed myself to seal the wounds of my friends while I was bleeding myself. There was a time when I went under intense depression and I cried at night to sleep but no one bothered to come and see me. Sometimes I really feel sorry for not loving and taking care of myself as I should. Now that my days of chasing people are over, I no longer have the interest and courage for meaningless friendships, forced relationships and unnecessary conversation.

As a matter of fact, now I am really afraid to trust people and establish friendships or any other bond, because my past experiences have taught me more than enough. In short, "Trust Is A Very Dangerous Game".

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$ 0.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Sayote-Kun
3 years ago
Topics: Trust, Friends, Self, Growth


That is very good, and thank you

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3 years ago

You're welcome. I'm happy u like it.

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3 years ago